this post was submitted on 21 Jun 2023
32 points (92.1% liked)

Formula 1

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Welcome to c/formula1.


Please keep discussions civil, respect other's opinions, and keep it friendly. Please read our rules before posting in our community.

Rules TLDR


These sites are a good place to start finding out about Formula 1, aside from right here of course! - the official Formula 1 website.
Formula 1 Youtube - the official F1 youtube channel.
Liquipedia Overview - what's happening now and next in a nice dashboard. - never miss a session again! - for those of you who like countdowns!

Sister Communities

!Motorsports - for the love of racing outside of Formula 1.
[email protected] - because you love memes.
[email protected] - let's race!

founded 5 years ago
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

c/formula1's Rules

In addition to Lemmy's Code of Conduct, the following rules are in place for c/formula1:

1. Keep it civil

Posts & Comments Reported as: Keep it civil

  • Keep it civil. We strive to foster a community in which discussions are lively and possibly even heated - especially during contentious races and events - but personal attacks, generalisations, posting of personal information, and similar toxicity will not be tolerated.

  • Etiquette is important to keep c/formula1 an open and welcoming community for everyone. TL;DR is "Be nice".

  • Don't be abusive. Fair criticism of teams, drivers, broadcasters, and other personalities is allowed, but this is not a place for blind hatred.

    • Prolonged or excessive attacks on either fellow sub users or F1 personalities will not be tolerated, and nor will wishing harm to drivers.
    • This includes hoping that drivers will suffer incidents. Motorsport is dangerous, and some things shouldn't be wished on your worst enemy.

2. Gatekeeping/provocation

Posts & Comments
Reported as: Gatekeeping/provocation

  • c/formula1 is an open and welcoming community for everyone.

    • Any threads initiated as a way to gatekeep the subreddit or vent against other members will be removed and can result in disciplinary action.
    • Responding to content that violates these rules by retaliating in kind also violates these rules and will subject members to disciplinary action.
  • Do not comment with the sole purpose of baiting, trolling or inciting reactions from other users. This will lead to disciplinary action.

    • If there is a problem with another member or with one of the mods, please leave it to private messages.
    • If you believe you are being targeted by a specific user for harassment it may be advisable to submit a report to the admins as well. If you are unsure about whether this is appropriate, or how to do this, please contact us via direct message and the mods will be happy to help you.
  • Calls to brigade, troll, vandalise, or rig other communities, open platforms, or contests are strictly forbidden and likely to result in an automatic ban.

    • Sharing malicious or satirical edits on open platforms like Wikipedia and Google Maps is not permitted. It is irrelevant if the person submitting a post/comment about an edit is the same person responsible for the edit.
    • Encouraging others to rig F1's Driver of the Day vote (or similar contests) is also considered both trolling and a form of internet vandalism, and will be met with disciplinary action.

3. Fan warring/attacking fan groups is not okay

Posts & Comments
Reported as: Fan warring/attacking fan groups is not okay

  • In a sport as intense as Formula 1, fans are always welcome to express excitement, but the way a small minority of fans choose to communicate their passion for teams and drivers is problematic.
  • Comments attacking fanbases are not okay on this community, and will be met with disciplinary action. Don't pejoratively generalise or stereotype groups of fans. Tribalistic behaviour produces nothing but toxic comment threads and bad faith interactions between users.
  • Equally, don't be a toxic fan warrior. Fair criticism of teams and drivers is permitted at c/formula1. If another user goes off the rails into destructive criticism or targets your fan group, use the report button to alert the moderators and enjoy as the aggressor is banned instead of engaging.
  • Disagreements are okay and it is expected that not everyone will like every team or driver, but there are acceptable ways to express this.
  • Unacceptable comments would be along the lines of:
    "The Tifosi are..."
    "Hamilton fans are such..."
    "Typical of Dutch fans to..."
    "These Drive To Survive fans..."

4. No racism, sexism, homophobia, stereotyping, prejudice, etc

Posts & Comments
Reported as: Racism, sexism, homophobia, stereotyping, prejudice, etc

  • Bigoted and hateful conduct is not tolerated at c/formula1. This community is welcoming to everyone, no matter their age, gender, gender identity, sexual preferences, race, or any other defining characteristic.

    • Racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, ableist, and/or other discriminatory language and sentiment belongs in the dustbin and will result in strong disciplinary action, up to and including a permanent, non-appealable ban for a first offence.
    • Users who exhibit a bigoted mindset elsewhere on Lemmy and stir up trouble at this sub will receive a permanent ban to safeguard the members of this community - we will not tolerate hateful trolls.
  • This also includes use of dogwhistling terminology (tropes and clichés associated with bigotry such as "All Lives Matter"), jokes which include such sentiment, defence or justification of bigotry, attacks on anti-bigotry initiatives, and any other form of commentary aligned with these behaviours.

    • For instance, do not disrespect women/minorities/others by suggesting that Formula 1 has solved all of its systemic issues, or that they are lying about their experiences with racism/sexism/etc (e.g. "Lewis is lying about the existence of racism in F1, because he's successful"). Any such tactless downplaying or denial of said issues is subject to severe disciplinary action.
  • Comments which generalise or stereotype people on the basis of their nationality (e.g. "she's British, she's bound to support Lewis" or "he's Dutch, obviously biased towards Max") will also be met with immediate bans. Respect people's individualty without engaging in nationalistic prejudice and tribalism.

    • This rule also applies to teams, drivers, broadcasters, and members of the press. Do not highlight the nationality of personalities involved in F1 as a pejorative.
    • Whereas we do not tolerate discrimination against populations, please note that criticism of governments responsible for committing major human rights abuses does not, in and of itself, fall under the anti-bigotry rules. Comments reasonably viewed to criticise abusive regimes in favour of pro-human rights sentiments are unlikely to be actioned.
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[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

5. No concern trolling/whataboutism

Posts & Comments Reported as: Concern trolling/whataboutism

  • Although c/formula1 may be brigaded by external concern trolls (and outright trolls) across Lemmy, trolls are neither invited nor entitled to a platform at this community, and will be banned on sight.

  • Definition of a concern troll for these purposes: users setting out to contradict or undermine productive activism or sentiment when social issues are put to discussion within the context of Formula 1.

    • Examples of such issues: racial equality, women's rights, gay rights, trans rights, other human rights, science and medicine (including vaccines), the climate crisis, the progression and improvement of society, etc.
  • If a fellow user, team, driver, or other entity makes a statement or gesture in support of any of the above notions, do not post counterproductive comments attempting to attack or silence the personality or message in question.

    • Do not post counterproductive whataboutist rhetoric in relevant posts. This is derailment. It is not important to prioritise concerns of supposed hypocrisy over engagement with the topic at hand.
    • Users are expected to engage constructively with social issues and supply intelligent contributions. Do not concern troll or derail these discussions. Bad faith, lazy, and/or driveby destructive commentary in response to such posts will be scrutinised and met with harsh bans.
    • Again, don't come to the community to be a concern troll.
  • Weaponising one driver's activism against another's in order to elevate your preferred individual is an insidious and often tacitly bigoted approach to these topics, and will also result in bans.

  • As c/formula1 is not a government-owned platform, please note that concern trolls are not entitled to unlimited freedom of speech and freedom from consequences at this platform. Cause and effect applies.

    • Note also that c/formula1 is not associated with the FIA. Messages suggesting that drivers should shut up and drive or that politics should be kept out of sports are also considered bad faith commentary in violation of community rules.
  • Unacceptable comments would be along the lines of:

    • "Hamilton should respect the local culture rather than wear his pro-LGBTQ+ helmet"
    • "Why is Sebastian discussing the environment when he drives an F1 car? Hypocrite"
    • "Just shut up and drive instead of promoting the vaccine, Checo"
    • "Lewis was just a fake hypocrite when he highlighted this issue, whereas we don't deserve Sebastian"

6. No inappropriate/tasteless content

Posts & Comments
Reported as: Inappropriate/tasteless content

  • We aim to accommodate open discussion without excessive moderation at c/formula1, but the subreddit is not an absolute free-for-all. Try your best to keep discussions on topic, be considerate of others, and maintain some decorum within reason.

    • Avoid inappropriate or tasteless comments designed to offend, including jokes. Do not post comments supporting, excusing, or justifying creepy or terrible behaviour. When in doubt, don't press submit.
    • We all understand some drivers and personalities are attractive. However, the sub is not an appropriate place to objectify others, or post content of a sexual nature. Posts and comments which are lewd or focused on appearance and do not add to the discussion may result in disciplinary action.
    • Fake news/rumours, harmful misinformation (including medical misinformation about vaccines), and unfounded conspiracy theories are also considered inappropriate/tasteless, and can subject members to disciplinary action.
  • While both NSFW (Not Safe For Work) and NSFL (Not Safe For Life) content is allowed, it must be properly tagged with [NSFW] or [NSFL] (including when presented as a comment), and must meet the relevancy requirements listed further down below.

    • Improperly tagged NSFW/NSFL content may be removed. The mods do however reserve the right to remove even tagged NSFW/NSFL content at their discretion.
  • Invasive tabloid gossip about F1 personalities is unwelcome at c/formula1.

    • Michael Schumacher's health since his skiing accident will, from time to time, be the subject of posts and discussions. However, all news outside of official news published by his family (directly or through his representatives) is subject to removal at the discretion of the mods. We will respect the Schumacher family's wishes that Michael is left alone to recover in peace.

7. No advertising, buying, selling, trading, gambling, etc

Posts & Comments
Reported as: Advertising, buying, selling, trading, gambling, etc

  • No advertising, buying, selling, trading, spamming, or begging for stuff. This includes but is not limited to tickets, merchandise, memorabilia, autographs, artworks, and games.

    • Exceptions can be made for non-promotional giveaways or competitions, but these must be cleared by the moderation team first. Contact the mod team if you'd like to schedule a giveaway.
    • Gambling, betting, cryptocurrency, and NFT-related posts or links are not permitted except where they directly pertain to F1 sponsorship.
    • Promotional links to storefronts are not permitted.
  • Advertising from official accounts related to F1 (e.g. the accounts of F1 teams) is permitted within reason.

  • Excessive self-promotion is not allowed. We follow the guideline on self-promotion, which states that the general rule of thumb is that 10% or less of your posting and conversation should link to your own content. We want the users to be members of the sub first - promoters second.

    • Creators of original, high-quality content can be exempt. We strive to encourage high quality, original content - and will emphasise the good posts in the sub whenever possible. However, we still expect these users to limit their posting frequency to avoid dominating the sub.
  • We are always more than happy to support academic research at c/formula1. If you plan to post a survey or question relating to thesis work, please make sure to clear it by messaging the moderators in advance. Unapproved surveys or questions will likely be deleted.

  • The mod team reserves the right to reject a survey for any reason. Any surveys designed to harvest personally identifying data (names, addresses, etc) will be turned down.

8. No low quality posts

Posts only
Reported as: Low quality

  • Posts must rise to the level of a good submission. Low-quality and low-effort posts will be removed.

    • Text posts must be longer than a tweet on Twitter circa 2022 (280 characters). If you are unable to write even as few as 280 characters about the topic in question, use the sticky threads.
    • Other low-quality or low-effort posts include:
      • Shower thoughts, TIL (Today I learned) posts, "am I the only one" posts, "unpopular opinion" posts, blatantly impossible hypotheticals
      • Memes, reaction gifs, rage comics, parody videos, or posts that are entirely jokes
      • Appreciation posts, tribute videos, unofficial highlight videos, etc
      • Screenshots (including screenshots of F1 broadcasts)
      • Errors on websites/broadcasts/wiki pages
      • AI-generated content (DALL-E, ChatGPT, etc)
      • Polls and petitions
  • We rely on professional and accountable news sources with proven credentials. News posts originating from low-quality sources will be removed.

    • News articles which relay non-notable punditry from F1 broadcasters, ex-drivers, etc often amount to clickbait and may be removed.
    • Links to news aggregations, hot takes, podcasts, etc run by fans/enthusiasts/amateurs are highly unlikely to be permitted.