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No offence but that's neglect on your part as they can be carriers of bacteria & viruses. For starters reduce their contact with young ones, there have been studies that prove the build-up of allergies from them.
Owning them is a responsibility toward yourself & others:
You and I must read different scientific manuscripts. The ones I read all show that owning dogs and cats with newborns lessons the likely hood of getting pet allergies, and also reduce allergies to dust, pollen, etc.; oddly enough, hamsters increase allergies
The confidently incorrect redditors are starting to arrive.
People like that were around even before Reddit, or the internet. When I run into them face-to-face I just smile and let them spew their "facts", it's easier and faster to not engage them in debate.
Are you implying having pets is negligent? I find that claim very funny.
If your point is that fur contains bacteria, that's true but not really - it's absolutely not where you'd find most bacteria in an average household, and fur isn't particularly easy to degrade either. As for viruses, that's absolutely not the case.
If your concern is with my animals, I don't see how anything on my post implies I don't take care of them. Their vet visits them once a month, they are fully vaccinated, they have nice litter and premium food. They are at a healthy weight, have plenty of toys, and a lot of vertical enhancement.
And no, there are no young ones living with me. Though you're incorrect, contact with animals is correlated with a decrease in respiratory allergies, not an increase. Their feces are however dangerous to infants.