I just stepped down as moderator from all five of the subreddits I used to moderate over on Reddit. I just can't ethically justify continued activity on Reddit, and especially free volunteer labour for an openly greedy company that is engaged in scummy behaviour, forcing mods to open protesting communities or be demoted.
So my online activism for boys and men is now focused here and on Mastodon. And I am welcoming everyone coming over from Reddit, especially from LeftWingMaleAdvocates, the sub I put in the majority of my time and effort as a mod.
Let's build something good here, as we did previously on Reddit. It appears we have a wider reach here, so let's debate in good faith and with civil manners.
Here, in this magazine (i.e. community or subreddit in Kbin-speak) we wish to discuss and spread awareness of various issues that disproportionately affect males.
We believe men are not being well-served by either side of the mainstream political spectrum. We oppose the right wing's exploitation of men's issues as a wedge to recruit men to inegalitarian traditional values. But we also oppose feminist attempts to deny male issues, or shoehorn them into a biased ideology that blames "male privilege" and guilt-trips men.
We have no objection to the genuinely egalitarian aspects of feminism, but we will criticize feminist ideology wherever it is inegalitarian and/or untruthful, especially now that it holds institutional power. Too often feminism has promoted a one-sided "equality", dismantling male advantages while exploiting, reinforcing, preserving, and downplaying female advantages - particularly in cases involving alleged abuse.
In practice this means that most of us are politically homeless. The natural home for male advocacy should be the left wing, which professes to be explicitly egalitarian. But in modern practice, men's issues are habitually ignored, denied, or even opposed.
We seek to address male issues without falling into the traps of an impossible return to the past or a disastrous sexism. Men and women have equal value, and we need to work together for a better future.
alright, i guess. i don't entirely disagree, though I did feel like I was reading a MGTOW post with some words swapped out.
Your phrase; "The natural home for male advocacy" [is x on the political spectrum] is a strange phrase, and familiar, and formulaic.
Try humanism, and love
It is definitely not a MGTOW post. I explicitly say: "Men and women have equal value, and we need to work together for a better future."
friend, I'm on your side. boys need support, as do girls, as does everyone whom you might have ignored
"men and women have equal value". what? why are we comparing men vs. women? what is the "value"?
I love Feist!
It really is an excellent song, she's very talented.
I was making a reference to sealioning
this has been very educational, but I did not mean to troll.
I bet you wouldn't feel the same about a "home for female advocacy". Men need safe spaces too.
Note: including safe from right-wing exploitation.
do you feel the "home for female advocacy" belongs somewhere on a political spectrum?
Yeah, I think the left wing generally espouses tolerance and equality, so anyone saying "hey, this group is being marginalized, we should fix that" should naturally find a home in the left wing. The right wing is more about rigid hierarchy and "this is the way the world is ordered, don't challenge it".
sorry you did answer, i hope you are well
Thanks, you too!
I asked, and you did not answer, the question was,
do you feel the "home for female advocacy" belongs somewhere on a political spectrum?