This update happened faster than I was planning since a lot of these features came together quickly. Large features added yesterday are 2FA support, a markdown editor, and swipe actions on posts and comments. I also reworked some of the API functions so I can immediately update the state with what I think it will be instead of waiting on an api response to update the view. So things should feel overall snappier now.
On another note, thank you everyone for all of the support! We're at 2.1k active users now and quickly growing. I hope we can make this the best native application for browsing Lemmy and your feedback really helps!
Also, I'm looking for a new app icon. Hopefully something a bit sleeker. If you have design skills please get in touch!
Feature: added Image uploads
Feature: added markdown editor for new posts and comments
Added rounded corners to top of images in full width view
Added 2FA support
NSFW thumbnails now always show when inside the person view
Made clicking into comment from inbox faster
Added delete post button
Added community selector when making new post (fixes a "community not found" error)
Added NSFW toggle for new posts
now show instance name in subscription list
Added swipe actions (upvote, save, downvote on posts and upvote,save, reply on comments).
Added a donation link in settings
Overhauled the post create/edit screen
Speed up various API actions
Hey, when I write a comment, it shows that the comment has 2 points immediately without anyone upvoting it, shouldn't it show 1 point instead?
Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, though.
I hope it gets fixed soon.
Doesn't bother me too much, makes me feel more popular than I actually am lol
Yeah, same here TBH, LOL. But it was a bug that I should have reported after all.
Hi, this has now been fixed in 1.0.39. Thank you for the feedback!
You are welcome! We all doing our part to make the community better.