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Found the scientific paper based (PDF) on that study.
I won't even comment on it other than to say, as usual, the headline is wrong.
The study linked in the article only has the abstract available but it does suggest that "testosterone induces a 'red shift' among weakly-affiliated Democrats". I can't see any of the methodolgy, but even if we go ahead and say that this outdated 2011 study is fine, what conclusions can we draw?
First thing is that it only found these associations with "weakly aligned" democrats, which is already a pretty narrow slice of the population. It doesn't surprise me that an idiot on the fence would be swayed by emotion.
Secondly, it seems to suggest to me that conservatives successfully brand themselves as "masculine". So a wishy-washy "weakly aligned" democrat who begins feeling more aggressive would probably resonate more with the party of base aggression and masculine posturing, who founds clickbait news sources with fracking billionaire money to tell rural Americans that drinking too much soy makes you gay and that ruins the country. Yeah, sounds pretty conservative to me.
I wouldn't make much of this article. If believing in equal rights makes me a soyboy then whip out the cock and I'll suck it til justice day.
Nice strawman but the article has nothing to do with equal rights.
The conclusion we can find is declining testosterone levels should be further studied since liberal men tend to be less intelligent, more mentally ill, and less masculine than conservative men. All of these are linked to testosterone.
That's a bold bold statement. I would love to see how you back that up.
To add, Testosterone is not necessarily a miracle hormone with no side affects
It is very well known that higher test can result in aggressive tendencies... Not to mention the physical health risks.
Here's literally the first study I found online which shows and increasing Test in males can lead to physical and emotional child abuse.
From OP's study:
This obviously shows that Test was enough of an emotional push to get weekly affiliated Dems to switch. It likely has nothing to do with increased cognitive abilities.