The Sims
A community based around all things related to The Sims.
This includes:
Mainline games (ex. The Sims 2)
Spin-offs (ex. The Sims Bustin' Out)
Unique console releases (ex. The Wii version of The Sims 3)
Mods and other fan-made content (ex. fan art)
The Sims-like games/competing life simulators (Tiny Life, Paralives, Vivaland, and inZOI are in-development games I am aware of)
Posts that aren't PG-13 or you wouldn't feel comfortable opening at work should be flagged as NSFW.
Discussion of NSFW content is allowed.
Discussion of piracy is allowed; direct links are not.
This is a safe space for LGBTQ+ and people of color. Hateful content will be removed.
Avoid dumping links. The body of a post can be used for things like elaborating on your reason for posting it, a summary, or additional sources for example. Things that can foster discussion or other community engagement.
Links & Other Communities:
osab/voicemxil's GitHub | The Sims/The Sims 2/The Sims Stories easy-install fix pack
NRass | Sims 3 mods
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That's a big red flag to me. With the Sims 3, I think someone calculated that it would cost over $75,000 to buy everything for the game because of how they monetized the point store, so they've already shown a willingness to go there with monetization. Plus, gamers are much more accepting of micro-transactions these days (mobile games make tons of money) and EA publishes other games with some of the most egregious monetization in the industry (ex. FIFA). I don't have much hope for Sims 5. I would be so happy to be wrong though. I was really excited about being able to customize furniture and have some kind of co-op play. I guess we will see.
Ironically, I just learned that you can turn off the points store in the Sims 3 game settings. This "free to enter" news inspired me to finally buy the Sims 3 collection in the Steam sale - getting it while the gettin 's good, ya know?