Mozilla says Apple’s new browser rules are ‘as painful as possible’ for Firefox - The Verge
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iPhones are fashion accessories before anything else.
Samsung for some fuckdamn reason just copycats everything Apple does.
The curved glass was a stupid, expensive, and failure prone attempt at capturing the fashion accessory market.
All it did was piss off eight years of customers.
It really is amazing how companies with ridiculous amounts of money for research and product testing and they hang on to an abject failure like this for so long.
Yes, curved glass serves no function and introduces a vulnerable point, prone for cracking
And makes it basically impossible to get a glass screen protector.
And makes just holding it normally cause misclicks as the edge of your fingertips brush the curved glass.
Honestly I would be a lot less pissed about it if they just hadn't extended the touch sensitivity all the way around the curve.