this post was submitted on 21 Jun 2023
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Episode 1 is out. Thought I'd get a discussion thread going. Maybe @Hurts can pin it until next week?

S01E01: Resurrection June 21st, 2023 on Disney+ 55 min None
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[โ€“] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (3 children)

Oh waaw. If you didn't watch Captain Marvel, you're not going to understand who the villain is. If you did watch it, it still kinda throws you in and expects you to remember everything from that 1 movie. They planted a bomb because-- they are evil? Fury was in outer space all this time because-- he "had a crisis of faith". They don't ask the Avengers for help because-- it is "his fight". Looks like I'm one of the few that didn't enjoy this.

[โ€“] [email protected] 3 points 2 years ago

To quote Pitch Meeting:

This is the world's most expensive TV show, we can't help it if the audience hasn't watched the last episode.

Seriously tho, Fury was in space because Thanos scared the shit out of him and with Tony gone they need some sort of planetary defense.

As for the Avengers... what Avengers? Tony, Natasha, and Cap are gone. Bruce and Clint are disabled. Thor is off-world. No one knows how to contact Spider-man. Ant-man and the Wasp perhaps? (I'm still choked they aren't trapped in the Quantum Realm like that script originally called for.) I will give you Dr. Strange tho... he should absolutely be helping out.

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