In the last 24 hours the supposed specs for the PlayStation 5 Pro have leaked online.
Basically the RAM is slightly faster, the CPU has a high frequency mode making it 10% faster than a standard PS5 and the GPU is around 45% faster and supports something called PlayStation Spectral Super Resolution Upscaling.
The PS5 Pro will also feature a removable disc drive and a paltry 1TB SSD. 1TB isn’t enough for the standard PS5, it definitely won’t be enough for a Pro when the games are likely to be even larger.
Rumours suggest the Pro will launch Q4 2024. However Sony have said there will be no big first party releases until April 2025. Would they really launch new hardware without a big showcase game for it? I doubt it.
But the lack of first party games this year isn’t the reason I’m skeptical the PS5 Pro exists.
The PS5 is in its 4th year and we’re STILL getting PlayStation 4 games, and not just indie games either.
F1 24 is a cross-gen game. Grounded and System Shock will release on PS4 too. The PS5 Pro is simply not needed. Especially when there are few games that take full advantage of the standard PS5 hardware now, more than 3 years into life.
Then there’s cost. The PS5 Slim is £479.99 so what would the Pro cost? £600, £700 or maybe even more.
Even if it’s £600 that’s a lot of money for console when you consider the PlayStation 6 is likely coming in 2027, just 3 years after the PS5 Pro, if it exists.
But let’s not forget the people “leaking” these specs were 100% certain that we’d have the Switch Pro by now and we just don’t. It does not exist, and until I see Sony announcing the PlayStation 5 Pro I will continue being sceptical that the PS5 Pro exists.
Do you think the PS5 Pro is real and would you buy one?

Why does Sony think that 1tb is acceptable for a console these days? It's not uncommon for a single game to take up over 150gb.
They give you an NVME slot that's a first class citizen. That seems perfectly fine to me.
Storage prices. I mean they already get it at a discount but it's the easiest way to "cut costs for the consumer" without heavily affecting performance. And Sony has been really good about giving you options to personally upgrade it. Do I wish I could just pay more for a bigger size version? sure. But this is one way they get their hardware to the "console price"
And not for nothing. Low storage has been an issue on consoles since like always. Looking at you 360 hard drives.
An option would be nice. I'm not going to assume that I know what it costs to manufacture consoles at the scale that Sony does, but the price difference between a single 1tb SSD and a 2tb is like $80 for me. I'd gladly pay that much more for a PS5 that I didn't have to either delete games off every few months or buy an ugly peripherial drive.
You can buy and add a 2TB SSD that goes inside for a little over $100. You just pop off the side panel.
Than just buy ssd for ps5 . Sony does allow you to just add another drive.
1Tb is perfectly reasonable for a base-level PS5 IMO — it keeps the costs down for all of those people who just want to buy their kids a gaming system, but who don’t really care about the specs or having hundreds of games. And internationally, a PS5 can be an expensive purchase in many countries — so keeping the costs down for those consumers is useful.
But a Pro model is already something that only real fanatics and people with disposable income are going to buy. So yeah — only having 1TB of installed storage does seem a bit paltry. It’s possible there are technical limitations involved (the built in SSD is massively parallel to hit the I/O targets, and could possibly require a redesign to support higher capacities), but otherwise it just seems paltry for a Pro model.
Its not technical limitations because they sell larger ssd's that are perfectly compatible with the ps5.
The m.2 SSD’s are run off a different bus than the ones soldered into the board.
But it works fine to play ps5 games so not a technical limitation. Its a price limitation
Depends on if the libraries being used for high speed I/O have certain expectations as to how many parallel ops can be made at once. Recall that the PS5 I/O complex contains the following components:
If any of those components have any sizing limitations that limit the size of the SSD, then they’d have to be redesigned (and potentially have every existing PS5 title upgraded) to make use of any such expanded storage. Hopefully Sony didn’t paint themselves into such a corner — but, well, I’ll just wave my hands towards the PS3 Cell processor and say no more.
Unless you’re talking about just having Sony stick a m.2 SSD into our hypothetical PS5 Pro and go with that.
I mean all their fancy shit is nice and all but when you can add a m.2 and run ps5 games off it. Their "technical limitations" are shit.
They don't, which is why they include an expansion slot. They're just keeping the sticker price low, knowing that it needs an upgrade.
Thought I was being overkill getting a 4tb SSD
Then I downloaded Jedi: Survivor, and I'm happy I splurged, because now I won't have to worry about storage for a while.
I remember being genuinely astounded to see that GTA V on PS3 was eight gigabytes. That was by far the highest storage size of any PS3 game i ever saw. On a 160gb system, I could still install twenty GTA Vs. How many AAA games can you install on a 1tb PS5? Like maybe 12?
The mandatory install was 8GB but the whole game was 17.1GB.
Still a shit load smaller than the subsequent remasters.
For comparison, GTA V on PC is ≈72GB minimum, and ≈87GB on PS5
I’d say 2TB is the absolute MINIMUM.
At least the PS5 doesn’t require proprietary SSD’s to upgrade the storage.
True. Upgrading my PS3 back in the day was hell.
The ps3 also support normal hdd, just lose screw and replace the hdd it. Was quite simple. But i had the big PS3. Did you had a different one?
I still use a fat and a slim and they both have a 2.5” bay. I’ve never used a super slim so they could be different. Don’t they have storage built in on the board?
It wasn’t too bad. It’s just a 2.5” HDD. Or SSD now they’re dirt cheap.
It really is not. I also thought that 1tb would be too small and i would have to buy another drive. As it turns out you can fit all the games on the 1tb drive. Does it mean i have to unistall games a bit more often. Yes. Do i care? . No. Honestly going from 500gb ps4 to 1tb ps5 was more than enough. As it turns out ps5 games did not get really largel and some even got smaller going from ps4 to ps5.