this post was submitted on 26 Mar 2024
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Honestly, does ANYONE get as good character development? The closest ones I can think of are Carter and Daniel Jackson. And they didn't have to overcome the events of previous shows intentionally making them the "bad guy"
He goes from complety arrogant sexist douche bag know it all that you despise with every Fibre of your being, to a slightly arrogant mildly sexist blunt know it all that you end up getting emotional over. At least I know I did.. I straight up told my wife when we get to a certain episode in season 5 (The Shrine) I want her to watch it but I can't watch it again.
Memory/cognitive decline is a huge fear of mine already and I watched my grandparents decline with alzheimers. I can't watch it again without losing my shit
David Hewlett is a fantastic actor.