this post was submitted on 23 Apr 2024
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Here's a few rumors I heard about camel spiders while deployed to Iraq from '05 - '06:
They can run up to 25 mph
They can grow to the size of house cats
They aren't actually spiders or scorpions, they're their own weird type of insect, which leads some people to believe they're aliens
When they bite you, they inject you with a poison that numbs the bitten area, so you can't even tell you got bit
They will climb into your bunk at night and clip your hair with their jaws to line their nests
If you see a camel spider, don't shoot it because you're more likely to accidentally shoot your foot than the spider
The best part of ^that post is that it's posted by "grasshopper_mouse", a comparably weird desert critter!
I knew a guy who knew a guy who had a friend who was in Iraq around the same time and he said his friend spotted a camel spider running toward them on its hind legs. He unloaded on it with a SAW and blew off a few limbs but it still didn't die!
-a totally true story, I'm sure
I believe it! :)
I did see a guy beat what was supposedly a baby camel spider with a pushbroom, and it didn't die, so he grabbed a foot locker and dropped it on top of it, and that definitely killed it.
That's kind of a weird rumor to start considering military men don't have hair. I guess maybe it's to scare the ladies?
I dunno, I'm a lady and it didn't scare me. Most male soldiers had a high n' tight haircut, which leaves longer hair on the top of the head, about an inch in length at most. Also, barbers weren't exactly readily available all the time, and hair regulations kind of went out the window depending on your location in county.
I mean, that sounds like a plus.
Camel spiders are most closely related to centipedes IIRC