Remember how ChatGPT totally aced the bar exam? Wow! yeah, turns out that was just a lie
Big brain tech dude got yet another clueless take over at HackerNews etc? Here's the place to vent. Orange site, VC foolishness, all welcome.
This is not debate club. Unless it’s amusing debate.
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Dont anthropomorphise. There is quite the difference between a human and an advanced lookuptable.
Well... I do agree with you but human brains are basically big prediction engines that use lookup tables, experience, to navigate around life. Obviously a super simplification, and LLMs are nowhere near humans, but it is quite a step in the direction.
@phoenixz @Soyweiser "Let's redefine what it means to be human, so we can say the LLM is human" have you bumped your head?
Well, I don't think humans are turing computable, so I disagree with you there. Which should have been clear from my initial post.
Fun fact, what you just said about how humans are just computers is also part of dianetics. Amazing how it happened in 2 different cults.
Do you have any foundation for that model of human sentience, apart from feels?
inb4 "it's just, like, common sense, man"
Amongst many more
irl guffaw
oh my, you're such a confluence of bad takes (racist, transphobic, creepy and ignorant of the technical and biological topics you're pontificating about.)
I dug into their post history and god you’re fucking right
Cool. Give me an example if where I am racist, humor me. Give me an example of where I'm transphobic, love to see it.
I absolutely agree. However, if you think the LLMs are just fancy LUTs, then I strongly disagree. Unless, of course, we are also just fancy LUTs.
I don't think we are turing computable. So I don't think we are fancy LUTs.
Heretic! Burn the witch!….wait what did they say about ….!
You ever meet an ai researcher with a background in biology? I’ve discussed this stuff with one. She disagrees with Turing about machines thinking including when ai is in the picture. They process information very differently from how biology does
This is a vague non answer, although I agree it's done very differently because our process is biological and ai is not.
But as I asked elsewhere, what's the effective difference?
so to summarize, your only contributions to this thread are to go “well uh you just don’t know how LLMs work” while providing absolutely no detail of your own, and reporting our regulars for “Civility” when they rightly called you out for being a fucking idiot who’s way out of their depth
how fucking embarrassing for you
Every fucking time
the report queue can be comedy gold at times
Please share!!!!
we prefer to let the trail of "removed by mod" speak for itself
ah, a civility connoisseur.
on the topic of which, this crossed my feed earlier
You're asking how to tell the difference between a chatbot and a human being?