this post was submitted on 07 Jul 2023
6 points (87.5% liked)

Geology Careers

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Advice, advertisements and other topics relating to any and all jobs in geology; from paleontology to igneous petrology and the energy industry.

For those seeking geology-related career and educational advice or information specifically about geology-related fields.

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[Image description: paper cutouts hung on a fridge, including hands in various gestures, hats, and a man's face with a word bubble "Only you can prevent people from drinking 3 gallons of water daily from a groundwater monitoring well above MCLs to change their chances of getting cancer to greater than one in a million!!"]

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[–] troyunrau 2 points 2 years ago

These are the memes that make a workplace fun. No one is slandered. It's just funny. ;)