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I'm up in northern Ontario near Sudbury and from what I can see in the forest .... as long as it stays cool and rains a bit more, we'll be ok ... otherwise, if there is even going to be a bit more heat, fires are going to erupt all over northern Ontario as badly as northern Quebec.
One thing I've noticed this year is how less green the forest is ... usually by mid to late June, the forest every where would be an emerald green ... this year it didn't happen and it still hasn't happened, its like a dull green and many of the trees look like they are stuck half blooming as if it were still late spring and early summer. It really, really looks dry out there and I'm worried that the fires are only going to start in this part of the country in a big way. People are also saying that there is infestation of worms in many forests and I can see large patches of the woods either not blooming, near blooming or half blooming. It looks terrible out there.
Northern Quebec looked really bad for the past two weeks .... I hate to say it or even think it but I think we in northern Ontario will be next.
they are probably lacking the sun for one
Maybe ... but we've had heavily rained and clouded over seasons in the past and it didn't cause this. It's a weird summer and if you saw the forest across hundreds of miles of highway look the way it is now and compared it to previous years ... it doesn't take a forester to know that something is wrong.
My opinion is that it is a combination of a warm winter, little snow, early spring, warmer weather. Plus some strange insect or worm infestation is killing thousands of trees everywhere (and scientists do note that warmer weather that lasts longer and starts earlier are good for infestations). Give those conditions just a bit of moderate summer heat and it dries out the forest fast. Which is why I worry, July and August are still liable to give us a few heat waves. The combination of the forest being on the edge of being too dry and the prospect of more hot weather coming is not looking good.
I hope I'm wrong .... but it doesn't look good.