Market manipulation .... upset the system .. make it dive ... buy cheap ... sell them high
Keep doing this for the next four years until you become king of the world!
Market manipulation .... upset the system .. make it dive ... buy cheap ... sell them high
Keep doing this for the next four years until you become king of the world!
Exactly .... they have control of the Stock Market Casino now
Drive everything into the ground ... wait for cheap prices .... buy low ... let everything calm down for a while and hike up again and then start the cycle all over again
Keep doing it until you've sucked all the money out of the land and from everyone.
Win the universe.
Sorry for the intrusion into your culinary community ... your post just got mixed in with a bunch of other politically themed posts I was reading ... nice / not-nice thing about wide open conversations is that we inadvertently just get mixed up in the wrong conversations from time to time.
It's funny because I'm Indigenous Canadian and one of the things I grew up with was orange pekoe tea ... an amazing thing we got from the English ... and fry bread, another thing we got from our European visitors (fry bread is basically what it means - basic unleavened bread fried in fat) ... the whole fry bread thing has gone out of control in my opinion in Native circles because at many Pow Wows, many people serve 'Indian tacos' which is basically a fry bread base topped with chopped vegetables, salsa and cheese (and often a bunch of other things like bacon, ground beef, sausage, ham)
I love Kraft dinner as a kid but that crap is terribly unhealthy ... basically edible stereofoam noodles tenderized in plasticized liquid goo that may resemble cheese
And as an uncivilized, unworldly Indigenous culture ... before spices came to our part of the globe in northern Ontario, the greatest spice we ever had was 'smoke'.
I don't have a lot to be thankful for with the English or Europeans for that matter but at least they gave us tea, pepper and flour and sugar.
Which reminds me of another unusual concoction that came out of European trade. Up until about 40 / 50 years ago we had a common drink that people often made in the wilderness. It was a survival drink made from the base of strong brewed orange pekoe tea which was then mixed with flour, lard and sugar. The whole thing had to be mixed hot or else nothing would gel together. It sounds terrible sitting comfortably at home and it is but when you are starving, cold and in the middle of nowhere and travelling and have no access to anything but a fire, this drink is a great energy boost as it provides you everything you need - hot liquid, carbs, caffeine and sugar. It's like a prehistoric energy drink.
So my apologies again ... I'll keep an eye out for the community I'm posting to in the future.
Sounds like a hawk or eagle ... which kind of makes sense since they are originally from the Central Asian mountains where a lot of these birds also live
If I heard that cat sound in the mountains, I would just think it was a bird instead of a cat
Turns out the detective had been chatting with himself the entire time
The Streisand Effect .... such a beautiful thing
You had me a 'low budget' .... this brought a tear to my eye ... such drama ... such dedication ... beautiful
The rise? .... I think this more like 'taking off the mask'
America has always been like this, they just used to make a good show of it before .. now they're just acting like they always did, they just aren't self conscious or apologetic about it any more.
Now we know where all that sulphur comes from
All four of them carved onto a sacred natural site known to the Plains Indigenous people of the area as the 'Six Grandfathers'
Chinese customer asking for an interpreter to speak with the Russian salesman who keeps slapping the white stone walls.