flashlight in the winter, knife in summer
Everyday Carry. What essentials do you carry on a daily basis?
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The flexible approach, nice
Rule 1: Always carry a knife.
Personally, I've got pretty good night vision but no claws so...
Fair! I would be in the flashlight camp because I find that I need to see things a lot more then I need to cut/pry things. For example over the weekend a glass fell and shattered so I set my light on the floor to find the small shards as we cleaned it up
Honestly, a knife is more useful. But I enjoy the "showing off" aspect more for a light. Like, I've never shown off a knife to a group of people and got a positive reaction. But you pull out a multi-thousand lumin light when it's dark, you are going to get a reaction.
Around home I use a light a lot more, and can always get a knife from the kitchen drawer if I need one. Outdoors, probably knife, though it seems like a false dilemma. You want a knife of reasonable size, but even a tiny keychain light (I mean the coin cell Photon style, not a high power one) makes a ton of difference. And a small modern 1aaa light is almost as good as a big light. Add a little bit of elastic cord and you have an impromptu headlamp.
Flashlight at work. No knives allowed.
That's a good point, one of my favourite things about lights is that you can take it anywhere. I've had mine at airshows, on the Eiffel tower etc with no issues. I don't think I could do the same with a knife
My swiss army knife is great because I have a beltpouch for it. I guess what I really need is a beltpouch for a good small torch, but I've so far not done that. Interesting thing to consider. However, there is always a torch on my phone, and never a knife, so I might choose the swiss army knife again for that reason....
I used to carry my Huntsman in one of the Victorinox leather belt pouches and attached a Olight eos i3T to the side of it. Worked perfectly well
Flashlight. I use it more often than my knife.
A knife is more essential of course, but still. I can open most stuff with hands, teeth or other tools, but I cannot see in the dark.
Knife, hands-down. My eyes will adjust to the available light. I can't cut things with my bare hands.