I think the craziest thing is, that the survey starts at 50$. They just assume that must be the minimum prize everyone is ok with.
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I think the craziest thing is, that the survey starts at 50$. They just assume that must be the minimum prize everyone is ok with.
What...? That's 20$ short of the whole game...
$50 is, like, a week of median per-capita household income.
Man, things are a LOT worse in the US than the media makes you believe if the median income is $2600 a year.
They ain't getting a dollar or of me. Didn't buy D4, what a toxic, problematic company. I miss the classic Blizzard I grew up with, but that comany, it's talent and passion died in '08.
After everything that's come out about their work culture and the naked cash grab micro transactions games they are making now, I'm sorta baffled by those still buying Blizz.
Did the blizzard people start a new company?
They must've gone on to something better.
There's been a few studios from former Blizzard employees. Just yesterday I got an update about Stormgate which is being made by Frost Giant Games. There's also Dreamhaven, Gas Giant Games, and notorious studios.
Nice! Thanks for the info
I've always known blizzard to be like this, although I didn't really game until around 2010.
The first thing that comes to mind was/is the World of Warcraft subscription cost that still doesn't include all of the expansions. A base subscription is almost $200 CAD/year alone. They are also now selling mounts at $32 CAD each. Personally, especially if I was paying $200 a year, I wouldn't want to be pushed to pay even more money for content.
Part of me kind of wishes that I could have seen the era you're talking about.
I’m hoping the collective answer is: “stop smoking crack”.
Who is playing Diablo 4? Especially this year.
I mean, I checked it out at launch, thought it was fine, didn't even finish the main campaign, moved on to the other million great games that came out the past few months. Is this game still relevant?
I'm playing season two. It's quite decent, a good game for me to decompress. TBH I played pre-season until WT4 and stopped at level 79. This season is much more streamlined and I'm currently on level 75 after 1/3 of the time played vs my pre-season char. I'll give Last Epoch a whirl after beating all the endgame bosses.
anyone who didn't uninstall battlenet after the Blitzchung nonsense gets the DLC they fucking deserve
I've always been of the "vote with your dollar" or "If you don't like it, don't buy it" mentality until recently. Now it seems like the heavy concentration of market power into a few companies is spurring on the continued development of "pricing innovations".
Remember when they said digital distribution would make the games cheaper and they would pass the savings down to us? (surprise that was a lie). That's just the cost of innovation.
Diablo 4 isn't a "bad game" but for games as a service that contains microtransactions, it certainly isn't a game worth a $100 expansion pack. They didn't even include the game with the collectors edition. Sell the collectibles without the game for a premium! Get paid twice! Innovation!
As more and more disappointments land face first on the concrete floor of the empty swimming pool surrounded by apathetic"entitled " gamers they still will not learn from their mistakes because the money says otherwise. They would rather go out of business then sell you a product you actually want to buy. That's the cost of innovation.
I don't know if this is the right place to say this. I urge everyone to collect physical copies of games, back them up, share them and archive them. We're never getting back what we've lost no matter how much we're willing to pay for it.
Who wants to pay $100 to run into a thousand cellars?
After reading a story about bg3 patch 5 adding an epilogue set 6 months after the games end with over 3500 new lines of dialogue, new cutscenes which is based on the thousands of decisions you made in your playthrough and different for everyone and its just a patch and its free. This makes me so mad that blizzard have become this shit hole of a company.
First of all, after the shitshow that was the launch of D4, that's just hilarious. S2 is certainly better than the start, but it is no holy grail that magically fixed everything.
Secondly, you're dreaming if you think a DLC is worth more than the base game.
And finally, I like how they're "asking" players if they'd "be okay" with it. Are you telling me that if the majority of the player base said "NO!" they'd actually listen? If there is anyone who believes that, well I've got a bridge in Sanctuary to sell you.
Depending on how extreme the NO! answers are, they may delay it or split the 100$ DLC in 2 50$ DLC, which you both have to get to actually play the game.
I'll play D4 if and when it's free. Otherwise I'm not interested.
That would probably make me less likely to play it, because then there'd be even more MTX crap. I'm just not interested at any price.
Sure, but it won't cost me anything to try at that point, and if it sucks, so be it.
Diablo 4 isn't that good of a game and not even close to the best arpg. I admittedly got hosed on buying it at launch and am not giving them more money. Why would I spend over 150$ total to get the equivalent of 1 mediocre game assuming they fix all the bs. Definitely regret the purchase at this point, and if a fixed version is going to be locked behind absurdly priced dlc in the future I feel like I got scammed twice.
Honestly I’d like them to release enough content to make me feel like I didn’t waste my original purchase price, maybe I just am wanting for Diablo 1/2 days :(
Diabo 2 remaster is still really good
Other than that, il just wait for poe 2
Vomit. Blizzard gets worse and worse. Good ole capitalism.
I am okay with $5000 DLC because i don't play this bitch-ass game.
Ahh, this must be where the laid off Bungie employees went to.
Hahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahaha... Fuckin idiots.
I swear they're spiking the water with acid down in silicon valley, how can so many companies be making so many dumbass decisions all at the same time?
Blizzard: Would you be okay with a 100$ DLC?
Me: Sure, I stopped buying your overpriced crap years ago :D
70 for a game that doesn't feel finished wasn't ok.
Agreed, do what you want, I'm not buying regardless.
$120 is my yearly budget for games.
I won't even buy the shitty $70 game because the beta was fucking terrible.
Absolutely not
I was willing to pay at maximum €15 and that was already pushing it for me.
I bought the ultimate edition because diablo is the franchise I spent most of my time on when gaming. But played more d2r than D4 since it released.
I'll come back to it later to check it out if it's better.
Feels like a power move. I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft raises their fist and play a move where they end up being the good guy. All to save a dead game and get people to come back spending money.
... which will be stuffed with real-money charges anyway, because oink oink.