sadly a not at all unexpected loss, kinda felt like it from the start and ETH's starting 11 choice did not inspire confidence either.
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None of the 10 outfield players were ten Hags signings. For some reason he's playing the same players that threw Mourinho and Ole under the bus.
At this point whatever happens happens. I can't be bothered.
The group need to make Onana feel comfortable asap and do some teambuilding. He needs confidence, Dalot wouldn't have done that to a confident keeper
AWB and Rashford had an absolute stinker. Martial is just a passenger at the team, can’t wait till we see the back of him…
I’ll just assume we’ll be shit for the whole season and be pleasantly surprised when we are not, sigh…
Rashford and Martial is so uninspired. Barely contributing defensively. Maguire with another solid performance. Tempted to say he's been one of our best this season.
For sure our last matches. Maguire and Shaw has kept us in this barely today
If anything, I'm rooting for a Højlund goal today. And a better game than the cup game a month ago
The ref is such a pussy. Show some authority and punish newcastle a bit when its due. What a joke
Very peculiar, even the most obvious yellows not called.
Horrendous first half. I have even lower expectations for the second
Can't even be mad. Great goal...
Thank fuck Rashford was subbed.
My expectations were fully met this match. Maybe Newcastle could've scored a bit more
I think we're gonna get absolutely pummeled today. Unless we slow them down somehow, we're not winning this game.