Definitely gonna check out
- Love Live fantasy spinoff
- Mushoku Tensei 2
- JJK 2
- Hibike Euphonium OVA
- Rurouni Kenshin and will keep an eye on
- Devil is a part timer sequel
- Dark Gathering
- Zom 100
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Episodic discussions and Rewatches are welcome.
Definitely gonna check out
Mushoku Tensei for sure.
idk. i have a huge list of links i've just been storing away but think im gonna finish reading Hells Paradise before starting any new series.
not to mention there are an ass load of games in my backlog.
Watched Part-Timer but I kinda don't wanna keep going with it after S2... mb I will binge it when it's all done.
Movies (whenever they get on wherever I can watch them, so probably not the summer...):
Personally excited for the below!
• JJK season 2 • Atelier Ryza • Baki • Record of Ragnarok
Wait wait wait Record of Ragnarok is airing this season? OH BOY :D
Edit: Oh part 2 of season 2. Got it :D
I myself usually pick up shows partway through a season and catch up. So far, I'm keeping my eye on are Mushoku Tensei and Uchi no kaisha no chiisai senpai no hanashi.
I do this too! Let shows sit for 2-3 episodes and see how sentiment is.
Jjk, horimiya, sugar apple fairy tale.
Looks like there's a lot tho so might pick up a few more
This season feels lackluster to me. Lot of sequels that I haven’t watched the previous season to yet.
Except for KanoKari. But I’m caught up with the manga, and somehow I don’t feel particularly inclined to watch the anime for the story again. Maybe I’ll pop in a few threads to see how anime-only fans experience it.
Part-time is the only one I plan to watch. I'm hoping they saved the good stuff for this half of the season, there first part was a bit all over the place.
I've been drifting to some different genres than my usual, so I guess I'll be watching older stuff for a bit.
The only ones I'm for sure watching weekly will be Bungo Stray Dogs and Sugare Apple Fairy Tale
I may try to catch up on Devil is a Part Timer, Horimiya, and Mushoku Tensei... MAYbe Spy Classroom or Monogatari?
Take some others stuff out for a taste-test: Saint Cecilia (cuz Doga Kobo), AI no Idenshi (cuz funky sci-fi), Undead Girl Murder Farce (cuz it is called Undead Girl Murder Farce)
Cuz Doga Kobo is a good reason to watch something :D
JJK2, Spy x Family, and we'll see about Bleach.