I've experienced a lot of weirdness like this so I feel like there's a combination of federation bugs and overloaded servers right now - hopefully it's resolved and we'll look back on this time fondly.
Meta (lemm.ee)
lemm.ee Meta
This is a community for discussion about this particular Lemmy instance.
News and updates about lemm.ee will be posted here, so if that's something that interests you, make sure to subscribe!
- Support requests belong in !support
- Only posts about topics directly related to lemm.ee are allowed
- If you don't have anything constructive to add, then do not post/comment here. Low effort memes, trolling, etc is not allowed.
- If you are from another instance, you may participate in discussions, but remain respectful. Realize that your comments will inevitably be associated with your instance by many lemm.ee users.
If you're a Discord user, you can also join our Discord server: https://discord.gg/XM9nZwUn9K
Discord is only a back-up channel, [email protected] will always be the main place for lemm.ee communications.
If you need help with anything, please post in !support instead.
It was probably that. Despite having given it an hour before asking for help, checking it now (less than 10 minutes after posting this meta post), it now shows up in the lemm.ee version of the community. Incidentally, lemmy.world appears to have an outage right now, which perhaps is the root cause (though it was working fine when I posted this).