Somebody actually took time to sit down and draw this.
I guess my life isn't that bad after all.
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Somebody actually took time to sit down and draw this.
I guess my life isn't that bad after all.
What’s even worse are the talentless losers that find entertainment in it with no tradable skill.
I've always felt self conscious about making a comic because I suck at drawing, but yeah if someone can happily produce and release that, I think I might be right.
It's much easier to argue against something if you completely make up ridiculous scenarios to argue against.
Our kid is non-binary. No parent is happy for that to happen. I don't think any person is happy to realize it about themselves, except to the extent that it explains why they had been so unhappy previously.
That's the thing the angries don't realize, life would be much simpler for the people concerned if they were just cis-heteros, it's not about being contrarians and it's not a choice, it's just who they are and that should be ok so it becomes something that isn't more difficult!
Exactly! I've never experienced it first hand, but I've seen the anguish of friends whose parents keep setting them up on straight dates with people they fundamentally aren't attracted to. I've had trans women friends who weren't close to passing and who desperately wanted a relationship with a straight man. Often they'd end up dating gay men, feeling unsatisfied because those men treated them like another man. So much sadness.
I often think that the people who believe sexuality is a choice must at least be bi. There's just no circumstance where I could choose to be attracted to men instead of women, and it's laughable to think otherwise. I feel like anyone who thinks otherwise must have the capacity to make that choice, and the poor reasoning skills to think someone would.
As a bi guy, it doesn't work any different for us. We're attracted to men and women whether we like it or not. We don't choose our attractions. We don't think it's a choice.
What sexuality am I if I love everything about women and feminine looks, but also like a big fat cock, yet dislike literally every single other thing about men and masculinity? Legitimately asking.
Yeah I think some people don't understand that it's no better if you need to contain your feelings for someone just so you can try and find someone else to be with just so you can pass for an hereto...
As someone in their late twenties who just recently came to understand and accept that I am nonbinary, I applaud you for your acceptance of your kid.
I never fit in growing up and never knew why. Now as an adult I still probably won't mention it to my parents, despite making some significant life changes, due to their proven lack of empathy.
That sucks, I'm sorry. If there's anyone in your life who should accept you for who you are, it's your parents. They're the ones who have seen the most of your life experiences, and who contributed whatever stuff you were born with.
I certainly wish our child had an easier situation, but they're beautiful and brilliant and kind, and we couldn't be prouder of who they've become.
I haven't yet seen anyone else point out:
If the embryo was tested, they would know the sex before transferring it to the surrogate uterus (easily avoiding the problem). IVF is insanely expensive, as are surrogates. (Surrogates go for $50k plus per pregnancy)
Whoever did this comic is so willfully (and woefully) ignorant on so many levels that I wonder how they're able to function at all
Wow $50k is not enough after seeing my wife go through pregnancy lol
Yeah, and the cost is dependant upon location. Surrogates tend to be women who have easy (or easier) pregnancies, who want to help other people in need.
I'm not saying that desperation or exploitation don't happen, just that generally surrogates are people who are doing it out of love for other people (not for the money)
Yeah I'm not giving up all my bone density for $50k rofl
Not disagreeing with your comment, but $50k??? That's IT??
What a fucking insult. That is some straight up exploitative shit.
That's just the cash payment. All of the medical stuff is paid for, usually further amenities so the surrogate maintains low stress and such for the health of the baby.
If it makes you feel better, it's usually more. There are a lot of factors, including how much the surogacy agency gets for their cut, which state or country, if they are a family member or friend, whether the parents are able to add a surrogate on their insurance, etc.
We looked into it because I'm older and thus higher risk, but ultimately decided against it. My neice even offered to carry our kid, but I just feel too guilty. I'm kind of whatever on having children but my husband has dreamed of being a dad since he was a lil' boy
They don't even draw good neither
Whoever made this is deeply damaged.
Conservatives usually are. It's the only way to explain their callous indifference to human suffering or their obsession with everyone else's genitalia.
They are deeply ashamed. Public shaming actually works really well.
Great. We all lost a few IQ points for having read this.
we are thus one step closer to becoming conservatives
Wait, does the author think this is a thing? Or is this lampooning the attitude?
Classic Poe's Law.
From looking at the person's social media it would seem they are not making that joke. They are mostly a retweeter of StoneToss and Mr. Pumpkin, both white supremacist comic writers. They seem to occasionally make their own blending the two styles, hence the MrPump_Toss watermark.
They reach so hard for imaginary scenarios, it's actually amazing how far they will go to justify carrying on their asshole behavior
I refuse to believe someone made this unsatirically. (Is that a word? What word am I looking for?)
Ahh yes, orphanage buy baby so they can let gay parent to adopt, and transgender is forced by parent.
Checkmate, aesthetic.
the illustration is stupid, but what it's illustrating is not an orphanage but a surrogate.
it portrays them paying for a surrogate mother to gestate some eggs that were fertilized with either of their sperm,
and they state that they aborted every fetus that had two x chromosomes until they had one that was XY,
which they allowed to mature into a viable infant, which was then birthed.
notice how the infant is reaching for the individual in the bed.
they are reaching for their mother.
I would love to talk to someone who really thinks this is funny - we would be like to aliens from different worlds.
That's an impressive amount of imagination right there.
It's so stupid I laughed
Freddy Mercury really turned into a dick after he died.
The most realistic part about all of this is walking out of a hospital with a baby one hour after giving birth.
Sex-selective abortion is not uncommon, but is an uncomfortable ethical quandry.
Do conservatives really object to the use of surrogates, or only when they're used by gay couples?
TBH, I initially thought the comic was going to be about sex-selective abortion; I didn't get what they were trying to say until the last panel :-/
Sex-selective abortion is not uncommon, but is an uncomfortable ethical quandry.
What the fuck Caucasus and China
Caucasus and China are notoriously mysoginistic.
Wow, this is so incredibly stupid it feels like a parody of itself. Does the author have a mental condition? I mean besides religion and conservatism.
So surrogate mothers are evil too?? Do they say this when it's for a heterosexual couple?
And I hope the implication isn't that they wanted a boy just because they wanted a trans kid. Transmasculine people exist. But it's possible they're saying the evil gay couple specifically wanted a trans girl, I'm just not sure what the author's point is in that case.
The quality of artwork is Chris Chan Sonichu levels of proficiency. Chef's Kiss
What the actual fuck is this. I literally have no words about this... Like none at all...