My "friend group" stayed the same in terms of gender makeup, but more importantly, my friend group has always shrank consistently as I've gotten older.
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wait, i have friends now?
I had all female friends outside my best friend and maybe two other guys. Otherwise the only time I hung out with guys was if they were with the girls I hung out with.
Got married to my wife 7 years ago and I have talked to those female friends maybe 5 times. I don't really have any friends that aren't from work. Some of them are great but it's hard forming friendships that last when you are working full time and have a family.
I have always had more of an affinity towards females. I don't know why but I like people who are different than me. But in general males are typically difficult. Anyways, in highschool my female to male friend ratio was something like 10:1 or something like that. Nowadays it's difficult to determine, but I think it's about even or slightly tilted towards males.