Listening to weather update: "It's gonna be what ?!?!!!!??? Holy spaghetti monster!
I see max 37 on BOM. Is it going to be hotter?
37 not hot enough?
You're gonna love the next 50 years!
I cope better in the heat than my partner does. It's the cold that messes with my fingers and toes.
I'm with you. Hate the cold!
I like the cold. I like the idea of living somewhere where it's cold a lot of the time. But my fingers, hands and toes just need extra care cuz they tend to lose circulation or whatevs. It's annoying and painful when it happens. In the heat I don't have to worry about that so I tend to say what I said. I still have to stay out of the direct sunlight and all that or I get frazzled like everyone else.
So it turns out I was okay at cross country in primary school. They would always have the cross country runs on blazing hot days. I still don't understand why it had to be a hot Spring or Summer day. Anyway I would always end up with a side-splitting headache. I did not understand why they would organise this and then reward the few of us who finished. Not once was I offered water. There was never a water station. I didn't learn about dehydration until I was much older and the headaches clicked.
I wasn't bright back then. I'm still not the brightest now. But still you'd think they'd say something about keeping up your fluids and not relying on the kids to know about it.
Time to crack open my water bottle and have a drink before the bus and my air conditioned ride gets here.