that's the beauty of the lemmy - you can run your own instance full of ads. i wish you all the luck ;)
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I'd really prefer that to be a last resort. Instead, maybe there should be donation drives like Wikipedia and rewards like Reddit.
I never once bought Reddit coins to hand out, but might be convinced to if I can trust where the funds go.
uh.. no. you can go all for making your own instance and chalk it full of ads, but good luck trying to get users.
In that case I imagine eventually most big instances will end up with ads sooner or later. Everyone's hyped for the fediverse now but excitement will die down and instances that take any significant amount of processing power will likely need some way of monetising
Many users of that instance would probably relocate to the next best instance without ads.
Hell no.
Terrible idea. If someone likes your instance so much, they'd probably be happy to pitch in and donate.
Want money for hosting, but you're not receiving enough donations? Just get a job! It's not like you only stay at home to watch your Lemmy.
Ads will never, EVER become a built-in feature of the Lemmy software. Try implementing it yourself, even though Rust is not an easy programming language to master.
I probably won't, am learning rust because it seems like a cool language but don't get me wrong I don't like ads, nobody does. Just generally people doing stuff like this out of the goodness of their hearts seems too good to last