Missed opportunity - “nomophonia”
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I don’t like being disconnected from the internet, the smart phone has nothing to do with this.
Nomo letting psychologists name things
Nomophobias. Please.
Just wonmophobia?
No, nomophobias.
Lol, stop empowering children who meltdown over the smallest inconvenience.
I can't wait to hear this used in a professional setting. I'm probably going to be talked at about my response.
More like *NoMoPhoNEbia"!
Okay I'll go...
I probably use my phone mostly for navigation, translation (Japanese be hard), and checklists. Other than that, it's mostly just my wife and I pinging each other about where we're at and when we'll be home. Ah, it does also have my transit card attached to it so I use it for trains and busses.
I do like having it, but I could definitely live without it. Then again, I also grew up without cellhpones and mostly pre-internet (we had BBS and things like Compuserve followed by AOL), as a former gen-x (gen-x used to go until 1982, but they moved it back to 1980 for round numbers, I guess).
As someone with an absurdly bad sense of direction, I would be unable to go anywhere without the GPS in my phone.
I just don’t get lost anymore. Ever.
I would absolutely panic if I was outside my house and didn’t have my phone.
Shouldn't it be nomophophobia?