Bold move to open with a Jericho and Sammy promo
SquaredCircle Backup Community!
This is the backup community for SquaredCircle on! Come discuss pro wrestling! Any company or era is welcome. (Our main community on **Please direct conversations towards our main community as it is more active and this spot is intended for 'emergency' purposes.**
😂😂😂 I mean in theory we could get it out of the way now
If I had known though, I could've played my PS5 a bit more
stokely you instigator you
Surely, Willow and Stats friendship won't suffer... right?
they can definitely co-exist
TK loves him some Dante and I get it.
Feels like he's going to be the eventually breakout star from Top Flight
Kbin needs to go home. It's drunk.
No joke. It's taking forever just to upvote, let alone post.
Ernest takes a holiday vacation, and everything goes to shit.
I remember that movie. I liked Scared Stupid better.
It's been like that for a handful of days. Hopefully it'll be fixed soon.
Ernest posted yesterday that he was working on things and the site would be fucky (quite fucky apparently lol).
🥹Starks and Hobbs team up again
that's it yuta is cursed. cursed for life.
Sammy should go full Big Show and turn again next month
Sammy has a problem with commitments. Just ask Pam.
Ouch, the truth hurts!
Do a two face gimmick and flip a coin every time he comes out
Sammy has a problem with commitments. Just ask Pam.
Edit: trying to delete this double post but Kbin won't let me.
I know it's because Kenny got injured
But Sammy essentially turned on Jericho and broke up Jerichos goal of Le Sex Gods being AEW tag champs to reunite as number 1 contenders essentially
yuta is getting way too confident kris statlander needs to beat him up some more
If only inter-gender wrestling was a thing in AEW. That would actually be a great match lol.
yuta definitely fears kris though :(
For good reason.
Nyla on TV > Most anything on TV
Agreed. And that jacket was badass.
Stokley looks like a detective in an 80's cop film with that stache.
stokley should be in a 1980s buddy cop movie
Oh yeah! Put him in a dull mustard button-up and some suspenders and he'd fit right in. He could even be the antagonistic police chief who always scolds our heroes for not following the book.
Stokley: "You're a loose cannon, Cassidy! Turn in your badge! You're off this case!"
Orange: (tosses badge onto Stokley's desk) "Whatever."
Stokley: "Tony Khan will pay for his crimes!"
Is it just me, or is Marina Shafir getting better at this?
Definitely better!
It's definitely not just you. She's been great lately. I'd love to see her in BCC or something.
Only if she brings Nyla in with her. Nyla is awesome and I want more of her on my TV.
She's definitely getting better
Maybe Adam Cole abandoning his best friend Roddy has done some good
Marina has been putting in tons of work on ROH over the months, has definitely improved in ring and her attitude/presence a bit.
@TellumSiege That trios match looks awesome!
For sure! Top Flight and Andretti never disappoint. And then of course there's OC, too.
Whoa man chill out!
I'm sure if you ask nicely OC will just give you a title shot
lmao I don't think he wants this heat. I took on three people by myself on Christmas. They were children but still!
Lol I see why you had heat with Punk. You went into business for yourself instead of putting over the next generation
lmao now it all makes sense 😂
But seriously fuck them kids.
harley is honestly the most relatable person i've ever seen :')
She's great! Hopefully she gets a chance to rap some more. She spit hot fire last time.
ngl i want sammy and jericho to team up just so sammy can betray him and hug don
This tracks, Don's paternal magnetism is second only to Christian Cage