KDE invites you to get your software project certified with Germany's top seal of approval for eco-friendly products: the Blauer Engel eco-label.
Software may be immaterial, but it determines the energy consumption of hardware, and making software resource efficient is crucial. The Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector is reported to contribute as much C02 to the environment as the aviation industry -- and the numbers continue to rise.
Sustainability, as reflected in the Blauer Engel criteria for software eco-certification, must be considered holistically: user autonomy and transparency, hallmarks of Free and Open-Source Software, are a part of that.
In this light, sustainable software follows naturally from KDE's long-standing mission and guiding vision, as well as the talent and capabilities of its community members.
Now we want the larger Free Software community to join us. You too can make digital sustainability and energy-efficient Free Software part of our future. Help us live up to our responsibility for this and future generations! Join us at KDE Eco.