I gotta wonder what the motive is for the hacker or hackers involved. Can't help thinking that there's something deeper than just script kiddy bullshit but I'm not nearly informed enough to have an actual opinion
Meta (lemm.ee)
lemm.ee Meta
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Well, they caught an instance admin in the net, so they went digging for gold and struck plutonium basically.
There was that one guy who went in a huff last week because he got banned, and decided to try and "take down" lemmy.world by spam-creating a ton of gibberish communities.
Was quite funny actually because they were marked as NSFW so I couldn't see them at all because all my accounts have that disabled. But everyone complaining about seeing them in the sidebar outed themselves as a perv 😄
Anyway, that's the kind of maturity level you get on the internet and I wouldn't be surprised if it's someone in a similar huff. Given that they changed the .world info to use "gay" as a slur, and went for the LGBT instance too, it starts to paint a picture...
my first thought it was corporate espionage to try to tank this movement. dunno its thats too conspiratorial tho
Welcome to you, and any new refugees that come along with you.
This is the awesomeness of the fediverse. I have accounts on various lemmy instances, mastodon, and kbin and I can just bounce between them. It's pretty amazing.
Howdy and welcome. I joined here because VLemmy went down and I've heard good things about this place.
Hello 👋🏻
Henlo fren
Same here. Welcome 👋🏻
Hey friendo! Welcome in and glad you’re here!
"Fren" is a term often used by trolling white supremacists. If that is not you, avoid that term in the future. If that does describe you, fuck off.