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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/wearswool on 2024-01-23 06:40:46+00:00.
I don’t have a relationship with my mother and I want to be in my siblings lives and they live in AZ.
It’s expensive for me to travel because I have a dog and have to pay for a hotel.
I told my 18 year old brother to save his money and come hang on his bday with me in LA.
He’s buying his own round trip train ticket and I told him to bring cash.
I’m going to supply him with a place to crash and meals but I don’t have extra money to go to say like a themepark and cover his ticket and mine get me?
By the way I got him a Xbox Series X for his bday since he still had the last generation Xbox One so it’s not like I’m being cheap but I don’t have money to buy his ticket, pay for his activities, pay for food and still buy the Xbox.
In the past I covered all the expenses but money is tight right now.
I actually feel guilty about this.