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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/Grandmabudussy on 2024-01-23 07:06:13+00:00.
I have a friend (Katie) who was recently diagnosed with autism. In order to understand the rest of the story you need to understand the background. Katie has struggled with self hurt since an early age, she was made fun of for her weight and looks during elementary. She is as of right now still made fun of for being emo and being overweight. Katie has a really dry sense of humor too but it's usually directed at other people she makes jokes about others' looks, hobbies, passions, family life, and basically anything about them.
She has made many of my friends cry and never apologized. She never directs jokes at herself though, so I think she may be projecting the insecurities she developed in elementary onto others. She is very upfront when she doesn't like someone, there was this other girl with autism who always wore an anime sweater and she said something along the lines of "I hate her, she's weird and ret*rted" and made my friend cry by telling trying to imply my friend wanted to show off her honors/AP classes to others when she was just asking what they were doing in Chemistry, sure it's annoying but it's not worth making someone cry over.
I actually can not fathom how Katie exists she has no empathy for anyone, no sense of boundaries, and such a disregard for others. Today was my final straw. Katie and another girl (Allie) think I'm stupid and can't tell that I know they view me as lesser than them. Allie also has some of the same traits as Katie but to a lesser extent. Today they made fun of being for playing basketball saying how sports suck and how those on the freshmen team just suck and should be cut (I'm not freshman basketball but I have friends on the team). Then called my presentation for my English class "infamously bad" It definitely was not my best work but it wasn't bad by any means also they just didn't understand (it was a presentation on how women in media are mistreated). Then Katie started trying to make it seem like I just didn't understand basic human rights trying to make it say like I said all women were whores and whatever. I want to confront Katie about how that made me feel and just try to explain to her how making fun of my passions hurt me. She has apologized to me once, in the 7th grade for ghosting me. I always try to forgive people but I just don't know anymore and I want to get it off my chest before my birthday (in a week). AITA?