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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/space9610 on 2024-01-22 17:37:01+00:00.
The road has 2 lanes going north, a median lane for turning into businesses, and 1 lane going south. The funeral procession was in the far right lane going north. I was going south and 1 car in front of me stopped. I had never seen this before for a funeral, so I slowly tried to go around the car in front of me in the median lane. The car then proceeded to pull diagonally into the median lane, so he is now blocking the south lane and the median.
I threw my hands up in frustration and the guy in the car in front of me sees this and gets out. I roll my window down and he comes and yells at me to have some respect for the funeral. I tell him it’s a funeral not an emergency vehicle, all traffic doesn’t need to stop on a busy road. I tell him to get back in his car and he continues yelling at me.
AITA for trying to go around him during a funeral procession? It was a busy road, and i don’t recall ever stopping for one before.
I think I am the asshole for instigating the situation into an argument in the middle of the road. Im just wondering about not stopping for the funeral procession.
I live in the Midwest USA in a relatively big city if that matters.