They are the only students who stay in New Brunswick for post secondary education and help make this area slightly more diverse than Jesus-loving nosey neighbour types that are always looking out their living room windows into my house to see what I’m doing so they can snarkily ask about it later.
New Brunswick / Nouveau-Brunswick
Welcome to New Brunswick's home on Lemmy!
No bigotry - including racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, or xenophobia.
Be respectful. Everyone should feel welcome here.
No porn.
No ads / spamming.
Bienvenue à la communauté néo-brunswickoise de Lemmy!
Pas d'intolérance - y comprit le racisme, le sexisme, le capacitisme, l'homophobie, la transphobie, ou la xénophobie.
Soyez respectueux•ses. Tous•tes devrait se sentir bienvenue ici.
Aucune pornographie.
Pas de promotion / spam.
Related communities / Communautés similaires
This is a bilingual community, feel free to participate in either French or English (or even in chiac!)
On est une communauté bilingue, soyez à l'aise de participer en anglais ou en français (ou même en chiac!)
It probably should vary province to province - places with less available housing should have less international student slots available. Ontario needs a cap, for sure, because it's impossible for anybody to get a place here anymore, not just because of students but because of a affordability and availability.