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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/InternationalBug9601 on 2024-01-23 11:45:04+00:00.
My bf (27M) and I (22F) have been in a long-distance relationship for 2 years now and we talk/call daily. We have a set time everyday to call so we avoid scheduling anything during that time as much as possible.
I'm flying out on Friday for a competition in which my team and I will be representing our university. During this time, I won't be able to talk to him at all for the next several days (phone policies + being busy with the competition). Thursday at our usual time is the last time we would be able to call before I leave.
This is where the problem started... After I told him how I wouldn't be able to talk to him for several days and how Thursday would be the last time, he asked to call earlier in the day on Thursday (mind you, I have classes/office hours earlier so this makes things very hard, at least to talk our usual amount of time). I was confused so I asked him why. He said that a video game was coming out during the time we usually start calling and that he'd like to play it then.
I started arguing with him saying he can wait an hour and a half until I have to leave to begin playing. I didn't see why he had to start playing it the literal second it came out. He argued back saying that he'd been waiting for this game for years and that he wanted to play as much as possible before he went back to work (he goes back the day I come back. In other words, he has nothing to do all day except game while I'm gone). I explained that he can play as much as he wants while I'm gone and he'll have extra time especially because we won't be talking like usual. But he's completely refusing to budge on this. He says that he offered to call earlier that day and if that doesn't work for me then we simply won't call at all.
Honestly, I was very angry. He knows how much time and energy I put into this. He knows that I am extremely nervous considering it's the first time I've ever flown out for a school competition. He knows that I've never been a captain before and that this is a really huge deal to me.
I accused him of prioritizing the video game over me and he just agreed to it and didn't really see the problem. He says whenever I miss a call, that I've prioritize something else over him but I don't really see how that makes sense? If he ever told me he needed me or was not okay with me not calling, I would 100% cancel to talk to him (unless it was something I literally can't get out of).
He said he was done talking about this and that his decision was final and I'd have to deal with it and then he hung up on me. I messaged him back asking what the fuck his problem was and now he's mad at me for swearing.
EDIT: Not sure why I'm being spam downvoted for random replies I make. Like if I say he will be asleep so it's not possible to call, like why even? I'm just providing context for the situation :/
EDIT 2: I don't know what game it is. All I know is that he is playing on his own. We had no conversation about this game before
EDIT 3: This is not a vacation, this is a competition. We have a schedule that we have to adhere to, there are rules we have to adhere to. I didn't make these rules, I'm just forced to follow them. Not doing so can result in disqualifications. For those saying it's ridiculous that I can't spare an hour a day to call during it: I am able to call once I got back to the hotel! He will be asleep during that time due to time zone differences though so it's not possible in the end. I literally can't at any other time.