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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/Icy_Badger1886 on 2024-01-24 08:47:15+00:00.
I 25(M) am studying a DVM (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine). I did an undergraduate degree in Microbiology and am 3 years through my 5 year DVM. So 6 years of schooling so far.
The other day I was back in my home town for New Years and I ran into my old friend, who we'll call Anna 26(F). Anna had a few gap years before starting a Bachelor of Science majoring in Physics. She has just finished her second year.
Whilst we were drinking at her boyfriend (Marks) NYE party, she mentioned how lucky I am to be studying a DVM because I get to hang out with kittens and puppies. I told her I'm very grateful to be studying this but it is a lot of work and the academic workload is a lot on top of placement as well.
She jokingly said, "well at least its not quantum physics!" I laughed and told her I'd like to see her elbow deep in a cow's ass.
She almost immediately changed tone and said "I wish my studies were that easy, I've got books upon books of equations to complete." She then went on to say how she'd wanted to be a vet when she was a child and how she should have chosen it since its a lot easier than her current degree. She raved for a bit about how hard she studies and how easy it must be for me to slack off and spend time prancing around on a farm for credits.
I told her I was just joking around and that vet school is actually quite intense, in fact its very difficult to get into. I explained its why I completed an undergrad degree first, and that I think a lot of people really underestimate how difficult it is, despite being a medical doctorate.
Anna snapped back and said "well I got into physics school, so it shouldn't be that difficult."
I told her to get f*cked and got up and left. Spent new years with my family instead. Vet school has been really hard for me and hearing her be so dismissive set me off, especially because I've never heard anyone say "physics school" before. She just seemed really intent on saying how much worse she has it. I ended up forgetting about it but 3 or 4 days later, Mark (Anna's bf, party host) sent me a message asking me to apologize to Anna. He said I shouldn't have sworn at her and my behavior was unreasonable.
I know I reacted a bit harshly but I'm not going to apologize. AITA if I don't apologize?