So how long until the Bang Bang Scissor Gang breaks my heart?
SquaredCircle Backup Community!
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Probably Revolution 😭
Johnny and Taya seen like a fun couple
I know he won't but it'd be smart for Jericho to lose this.
Is it just me or is Jericho gassed already
I was hoping Fletcher would go over. It's time for Jericho to acknowledge that it's his time to put over mid card talent.
Looks like Rock Card was under there too lol
Yeah he's gassed. Damn near killed himself there jesus
In kayfabe I can't figure out why the bang bang scissor gang came out lol
The Undisputed Kingdom fucked them over and slightly outnumbered them separately.
The only way the Acclaimed convinced BCG is by appealing to their egos and promising them gold.
With that being said, I don't trust Jay at all
Agreed. I'm not complaining about the appearance, but it didn't really set anything up lol
Toni just steals the show. They're having way too much fun on commentary lol
She pulled off the when she's not on camera all of the other wrestlers should be asking where's Toni?
100%. Just leave her there for the whole episode, damnit lol.
😂 They definitely threatened to hold Renee's paycheck if she didn't do this
The whole fucking show!!!
The Bucks dropped the Vince mustaches.
they should instead dress up as bg james and billy gunn when they were the voodoo kin mafia
RVD spamming his taunt lol
RVD thinks real life is a video game lol
RVDs moveset is still sick af
When you compare him to those that he came up with, RVD moves pretty damn good
Everybody trying to die in New Orleans tonight
if you can't get enough adam cole watch his latest vod for ff16 when he does the bahamut fight because it's 2 hours of wholesome adam cole
Lol who did Komander piss off?
Taz always simps for Don
It reminds me of Bobby Heenan and it's one of the many reasons I love Taz.
"Someone's pissed in my seat!"
Toa treating a can of Wooooo energy the way everyone should