What a waste of taxpayer resources.
I just emailed him using this form to ask him what in the flying fuck he is doing. I encourage you to do the same.
Willing to blow infinite amounts of money on a fake ass spectacle but not willing to pass a single bill. What a fucking joke of a country.
I've been saying it for a while now:
The longer Biden takes to invoke title 10 and activate Texas NG under federal command, the more other states are going to send people, and the less likely they do t all listen when Biden inevitably does it
Ignoring this only makes it worse
The whole time, Republicans have been saying, "hE hAsn'T dOnE AnYThInG!!!1!1!1!"
Well, Joe, now's your chance to show them.
The only reason he wouldn't have done that by now is a private understanding that the national guard would refuse his orders.
the state governments paying the guards to jack off at the border will eventually cost them elections. It makes more sense to wait for a real emergency and nationalize the guards then rather than protect republicans from their own false narrative
What do you think would happen if the Federal government tried to activate the entire state's national guard?
How do you see that playing out?
Sounds dangerous and scary.
Bruh, title 10 is common...
Of course, for combat deployments, and operational support.
The context of the article, and some people's comments was using title 10 to assert military control over a state, and in the home state of the force, which would be a whole other thing.
Doesn't that make sense?
It's not just that, it happens often. It's not unusual for 10% or more guard time to be title 10.
Invoke title 10, have them secure the border from whoever else is opposing CBP, then send them all home.
If Texas activates them again, repeat.
I think what's going on here is you don't know about this stuff, but you don't. Just spend a couple minutes googling it
Dude, I was talking about your comment:
The longer Biden takes to invoke title 10 and activate Texas NG under federal command
Your comment implies putting significant or all of the Texas guard under title 10, to keep Texas from using them for border security? To keep Texas in line?
I think what’s going on here is you don’t know about this stuff, but you don’t. Just spend a couple minutes googling it
Do you? I question your reasoning for mentioning title 10, and for using the example of federally activating a state's national guard as a deterrent for other state's supporting Texas, if that's what you meant?
Should be read as "Seccesionists gather force in Texas", and should be treated as such
Not a day goes by when I'm not embarrassed by my state's government.
I've been gone like ten years and it's the same ol'thing
Holcomb is a real piece of shit.
I will never vote republican, but our choices this year are republicans or a democrat whom used to be a republican 😔
Holcomb is a fucking godsend compared to what's coming.
Can't wait until Braun is elected. We're so fucked.
Now's the time, begin the Michigan invasion!! First Indiana, then THE WORLD!
Please invade, Michigan! I want cheap, legal weed!
Explain the need for border security in your own words.
Drugs are what you're worried about? How about voting to help those most likely to turn to drug abuse due to economical and mental health issues.
Fentanyl? See above.
Also you said we're (the US ) good at war and saving lives... You can't have both of those be true, buddy. But judging by your username you're either a veteran who REALLY drank the Kool aid, so likely a psychopath or someone who ranked up and never saw actual combat, or your REALLY want to be seen as someone who served but didn't.
I regret mentioning you in that question.
Also you said we’re (the US ) good at war and saving lives… You can’t have both of those be true, buddy.
Well buddy, I think it would have been more rational to infer that was meant to be an 'or' statement. The military is naturally good at 'war' 'OR', in the case of the national guard, saving lives. The saving lives comment had to do with national guards getting activated to assist in natural disaster/community/civil support. I thought that would have been obvious in the context, but yes, we'd need to be talking about weird/specific scenario to insinuate war is saving lives. Nobody else seemed to need this explained to them.
you’re either a veteran who REALLY drank the Kool aid, so likely a psychopath or someone who ranked up and never saw actual combat, or your REALLY want to be seen as someone who served but didn’t
Your assumptions here are pretty ~~retarded~~, ~~stupid~~, ~~childish~~, off. You're welcome to think whatever, but I'm also free to think they're silly as shit, and also false. Asking questions might help instead of assuming. If I was going to make some basis assumptions, I'd say you're some dumb, childish, kid. You probably never sacrificed anything for your community, struggled with mental health issues, substance abuse issues, almost been killed, seen other people killed, or does/says anything that wasn't fed to you by CNN, but all that might also be silly. Maybe go back to reddit, they need you for their IPO.
How about voting to help those most likely to turn to drug abuse due to economical and mental health issues.
On a serious note, That's what I think people are starting to realize. There's likely always been some form of sustain abuse in society, I haven't seen anything to say whether it's better or worse now, but I feel like we only recently accepted mental health as a general real issue in the last 20-20 years. I'm wondering if it wasn't a bunch of military suicides that help enlighten people it's not all 'crazy' people who have mental health issues.
No you don't. You wanted someone like me to come in and shit on your stupid question so you'd have a reason to jerk yourself off talking about it.
Oh please... Texas wants more people down at the border to make sure more people trying to get in die in that attempt. You don't care about other people, especially brown ones, so this whole "WE SAVE LIVES" you don't do a goddamn thing that is helpful to anyone but your fucking masters. You don't serve me, this country or anyone that has a 5 figure income or lower. You make me fucking sick with your snide remarks. This country has become rich off of killing, and if you don't think that then I'm sorry you're so fucking stupid.
Do not talk to me about mental health issues. I didn't serve in the military, but I did grow up with a father who was in Vietnam, and not in the same capacity as some coms guy or linguist. He was a gunner on a tank. He had AO dumped on him. He killed people. It changed him and the people in his life that had to deal with explosive outbursts. Rage where he'd wake up in a panic strangling my mother. Rage where he'd beat me and my sister. Living in a fucking house that cost $600 where within my 43 year live time we still had a fucking icebox and indoor plumbing was new in the fucking 80s. But you're right. I haven't sacrificed anything for my community, instead I had that kind of shit taken from me without my permission and it's still happening today.
Oh I'm glad you took a serious note there at the end. Yeah it's the military suicides that really nailed home the need for mental health services... but wait? Suicides are up among vets! The VA is a fucking joke that hasn't helped a person since its inception. No, the reason we're talking about mental health now, is because its effect has been felt by so many that companies have found a way to capitalize on it, you know in the AMERICAN WAY similar to the killing of innocent people. Why is it you think people come back from war and have mental health issues? Can you suss it out, Master Sergeant?
LOL, Well, I'm sorry about your dad, but your attitude is still shit, though you're today's entertainment for me 😆.
You can talk so much shit about everything and everyone (America/society/business/government) because of all our freedoms, or maybe in your terms fReEdOms? Some, including your dad put work in. I guess your whole family did in a sense with their whole generation not getting any post war care.
I sympathize with you though. Maybe if you stop imaging you have everyone figured out on the other end of a keyboard? You don't have people figured out bro, far from it. So what do you think Pvt, did I suss it out?
I see a lot of comments conveyed unhappiness with Indiana governor and Republicans in general.
Any opinions?:
What should be done about the border security?
Is the threat of drug smuggling from across the border real or made up?
What should we do about fentanyl issues? I'm not interested/care about weed. It will be available soon/someday, just a matter of time.
@[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected]
Fentanyl comes through regular entry points not remote wilderness (though the border wall access roads have made remote drops easier)
If we were serious about drugs we'd offer mexico incentives to dismantle the cartels, legalize weed, and offer more clinical support for addicts to reduce demand.
We have tons of border guards, more than enough. Its important to be clear republicans are the most upset about legal refugees and conflate them with "illegals" as indicated by their media constantly portraying bussing of legal refugees as though they aren't legal. More immigration courts are a must.
Its important to be clear republicans are the most upset about legal refugees and conflate them with “illegals” as indicated by their media constantly portraying bussing of legal refugees as though they aren’t legal. More immigration courts are a must.
I'm curious about more of this? Like the Afghans we brought over? Or are you talking about making it harder to receive asylum?
What should be done about the border security?
We have a border patrol. We can give them more money like Biden wanted. We also have immigration courts. We can give them more money Biden wanted.
Is there drug smuggling across the border? Sure. Do we have an expensive and pointless drug war? Yes. Maybe that should be the drug issue we concern ourselves with at the moment.
And fentanyl? Not an illegal border crossing issue. Most of it is brought in by U.S. citizens crossing the border legally. https://www.npr.org/2023/08/09/1191638114/fentanyl-smuggling-migrants-mexico-border-drugs
And fentanyl? Not an illegal border crossing issue. Most of it is brought in by U.S. citizens crossing the border legally.
This is dominantly why I hesitate to keep border security and immigration as the same issue in my mind. I know politicians will keep them together, but I don't think border security should be 'keeping out the illegals', I think it should be controlling everything/one coming in/out as best as possible. We also have a hard time finding contraband in shipping containers.
There's some pretty big fentanyl operations in China that keep the pipelines supplied. I wish we could get that a little more under control.
Isn't the "security" issue not really "immigrants are crossing" but "so many of them are vulnerable children we don't have the infrastructure to treat safely and humanely?"
Isn't that the exact reason why Obama declared the crisis in 2014, and why Trumps reaction to it was so derided?
It has very little to do with adult immigration and/or drugs.
@MSgtRedFox @FlyingSquid @Alto @Fedizen @Gingerlegs @the_q @NocturnalMorning @iamanurd @ScottStarkey @givesomefucks @happybadger Obvious first step would be to pass the compromise bill that Sinema and Lankford worked so hard on.
I got the impression that Young would have voted for it. One of the things I liked about Young was his at least standing behind the people that were already brought here: Young: 'Nothing's More Important' Than Giving DACA Recipients Certainty
He has also supported tighter border security things, so he seems a little of both.