I'm just gonna say, I'll understand when Jay takes out Billy Gunn
SquaredCircle Backup Community!
This is the backup community for SquaredCircle on Lemmy.zip! Come discuss pro wrestling! Any company or era is welcome. (Our main community on Lemmy.zip) **Please direct conversations towards our main community as it is more active and this spot is intended for 'emergency' purposes.**
Who green lit a no DQ Sammy vs Jeff match? Just make it a first injury match!
So do you not want to see several 🤪 spots?
I just don't want to see someone die
Queen Aminata had to be winning tn, plug for her interview
🤦🏿♂️It's also Black History Month
If Anna is healthy enough to wrestle regularly now I can see her getting the win
Idk man Annas shoulder tape feels like DDPs rib tape at this point
Always going to appreciate DO on TV
Von Erichs in action, BBSG 12 man. It may not be presented in the storybook way that WWE does but I appreciate that TK is just a dude running a real life TEW/EWR save
😭Why is Renee so shady towards Stokely? How was he supposed to know not to cheat?
Kris showing her Best Friends awkwardness
Stokley is a jezebel!
😯 You can get sued for such slander and libel
All the pro wrestling lawyers are busy right now. Ya know, reasons.
Willow almost forgot this is TV lol
I need to see Willow just go for broke one day, just keep building this up for a few more weeks of shenanigans and then just 'WHAT THE FUCK BRUH!?'
It'd be hilarious if she said fuck before Chucky says shit.
Poor Chuck lol
Ok now I need this as a bit. People keep swearing on tv while chuck walks past and he gets more irate. Weeks go by. Happens again and just quietly from 20-30 feet away "OH FOR FUCKS SAKE!" in the background. All I want.
I would pop like a bottle of champagne for that!
😮💨😮💨 I'm all in on Harleys crazy ride
She gives Toni a run for her money
Speaking of, idk Wtf just happened in that Toni segment but it looks like everyone enjoyed it
Toni addressed her enemies
Idk if I'd rather be Toni's enemy or Young Schiavone(Riccaboni)
Same man, same. The more she's on my screen the better.
Well then, Harley
ok Harley won that segment.
Were there others in that segment? I only noticed Harley.
Not wrong 👀
There was a segment?!?
It's pretty telling that Schiavone has so many enemies and Excalibur doesn't
Anybody that messes with Excalibur has to deal with William Regal best I can tell. Nobody wants to do that.
Good point I wouldn't want an aggressive horny Englishman mad at me either
😂😂😂 I just realized how much of a dickhead Bryan is being
Challenging/beating the shit out of all of these Japanese legends and ignoring Eddie
Excalibur with a Nardwuar reference. Is there anything this guy doesn't watch?
I'm not crazy about Sammy but those dives off those ladders are pretty fucking cool.
Claudio woke up and chose goof
Mox struggled to not corpse during that long-ass pause after 'Your wife's glutes' lmao
I wasn't sure if it was corpsing or god damnit man this isn't a DO promo