this post was submitted on 05 Sep 2023
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founded 2 years ago


Nothing has paused the rollout of this update due to number of bugs - it is not recommended to sideload this version and as such the links to OTA packages have been removed.

2.0.2 Changelog

Home screen customisation

  • Upgraded visual identity that feels unmistakably Nothing.
  • Updated launcher grid layout, supporting the option to hide icon labels.
  • More customisation options for folders including different layouts and covers.

Nothing widgets

  • Updated designs for the following widgets: Clock, Weather, Quick Look.
  • New Quick Settings widget, allowing you to access settings even quicker.
  • Widgets are now available on the lockscreen and AOD.

Glyph Interface

  • New Essential Glyph Notifications mean you never miss what matters most. Assign selected apps and contacts as essential so that when you receive a notification, a persistent Glyph will shine while the device is locked. That means you’ll know at a glance if you have any important missed notifications.
  • Glyph Torch. Long press the Torch Quick Settings tile to light up the entire Glyph Interface.

New app features

  • Cloned apps allow you to operate multiple accounts in the same app without having to log out.
  • App Locker lets you protect your apps by adding an extra level of security when you go to open them.

Other improvements

  • Updated auto brightness.
  • Many, many general improvements to optimise your overall Phone (1) experience.

Hotfix Changelog

  • Optimized temperature warnings to prevent unnecessary hotspot shutdowns.
  • Fixed the occasional issue of auto-brightness turning off unexpectedly.
  • Improved overall stability, reducing crashes and lag in specific scenarios.

Sideload OTA Package

Removed due to buggy release

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