I feel like after the MJF turn, the undisputed has basically floundered.
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The ending of that match (Deonna vs. Madison) was rough. I was thinking Madison was either gassed or concussed 😬
Probably shouldn't have made that the move of the night
They're beating Botchamania to the punch!
You can't hurt us, Maffew, if we hurt ourselves first
So... did Mox learn from Brock about going on early so you can go home early? I don't watch every Dynamite, but I swear it seems like he's on first every time I do.
I figured they were going early because Cash had to make an early court appearance.
Gives him time to watch the kid while Renee does the interviews
Taz just made a UWF reference... and all I can think of is Herb Abrams the original wrestling Snowman... and now TK the new Snowman.
I think a draw was the right decision, that was deserving of a rematch and I don't even really like tag team wrestling.
It's amazing how fast the MJF killer Wardlow became this Wardblow character...
In his defense he was banged up.
Not in his defense he needs to quit being the unstoppable monster because that's what he's always been.
I'd agree to all that and add that MJF screwed him by disappearing, then showing up to lose, and then leaving so he couldn't continue the story.
We should've known they would need more than 20 minutes to fight
Gonna need a full 60
Renee doing her best impression of Excalibur there.
The next Fight Forever DLC better have dick punches in it. So many low blows lately lol
Where were these guys when Christian handled Copeland last week
The children aren't going to object the father of the year
I'd be surprised if Garcia beats Christian but either way that's a big spot for him.
Christian has to drop the belt eventually and DG is red hot right now so I wouldn't be mad if he got the title
Oh I'd love it if he won. I just figured they're waiting to get the belt back on Copeland.
Oklahoma has parent issues. Booing a mother and disrespecting a father
What else can you expect from Texas' hat
Claudio coming into frame like Mongo in Blazing Saddles
Just saying Mathew and Nicholas have been described as modern day Flairs and the corporate synergy with Woo would be top notch
Nailed it lol.
Clown Toni is horrific
Loved the way Bennett sold that Orange Punch.
Wardlow going to put people in gulags lol
Every time Samoa Joe comes out, I say to my wife: "They should change his name to 'Joe the Samoan'"
I guess that could be his one man show comedian name.
My sense of humor is so bad.
Just awful lol
They dispatched of the goon and the child while the vet watches on
RVD doing Hook a solid!
Remember: Dax is bald.
The way I remember is that Cash has an H in it. H for hair.