It's going to feel soooo weird not seeing DDG in goal
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It’s going to feel soooo ~~weird~~ good not seeing DDG in goal
Fantastic news! Glad it’s finally over the line. This will change how we play more than any other signing. Really hope it works out for us
Yeah I'm very happy, hopefully a few sales coming soon to fund some more business
Very happy this will be completed ! This will hopefully unlock the ETH playing style (together with Mount). Only I dont get is.. that this is the price that has been mentioned for weeks, we seem to be negotiating a lot to just end up paying 99% of the initial price.
We need a striker that can score more than any other edition.
I am grateful for onana and mount but they should've taken a backseat to a striker. That being said, there really isn't any guy available unless we drop 120 on Kane
We're Manchester United, we never get a good deal 🤷
Fantastic. Look forward to see how he unlocks the way eth wants to play
I'm so ready to see him in midfield
Finally, I’m kinda thankful for the lesser transfer posts here.
What a window it has been so far. 2 Stella signings.
Hojlund or any strikers would be a cherry on top at this point!
Sorry I totally missed this earlier folks, been trying to wake up for the past 3 hours!
Appreciate you posting!
Really excited to see how this changes the way we play. The difference a ball playing keeper makes was so obvious during the FA cup final.
I feel bad about how it ended with De Gea but this could be our most important signing this summer