How’s everyone’s season so far?!
Edit: Garden is under the snow next to the shed lol
Your Ultimate Gardening Guide.
How’s everyone’s season so far?!
Edit: Garden is under the snow next to the shed lol
Naw, you got the best case. No plants, true, but no chores!
Not wrong hahah
You're ordering that? It looks already delivered. What's going on here?
More a comment on the gulf between how easy it was to order all that dirt and how many wheelbarrows it translates into
I'm going to build a box sieve this weekend so I can get the rocks and trash out of my spot. (My garden is just a strip of dirt in the city, but I'm making it work!)
Very nice. I need to make one myself. I've raked too much stuff into my compost
Just starting to think about the garden. Bought veg seeds. Got to start working on fixing the drip system.
Ugh. I haven't even tested my drip yet. One thing at a time
For sure. Definitely one thing at a time.
I set mine up to run off of the former lawn sprinklers. And unfortunately one of those valves is cracked in half. And buried. I should probably hire someone to fix it. Of course stupid me won't. Also probably 50% of the spray/drip heads have been damaged by the last guy I had to clean up the yard. >:( And we have a big back yard. So that's a lot of drip system to test and fix.
For now I might just do for the planters what I did with veg plot #1 which is to run a garden hose with a drip system hooked up and run it manually.
Maybe in four or five years I will finally get the real system installed and automated lol.
It’s the season! Planting anything fun?
Nothing too out there, but I'm trying some new stuff. Gonna take a swing at the cattle panel squash arch and I dug a hugelkultur bed. Got a great deal on pots at a hardware store, so were gonna try a bunch of flowers
8 cubic yards? You've bought a mountain!
It's a lot. I'm expanding this year. A lot