Mar. 8, 2024
- Brush: Yaqi 26mm Synthetic
- Razor: Karve Overlander
- Blade: UK Tech Statum [3]
- Lather: Spearhead - Sea Ice Lime - Soap
- Post Shave: Spearhead - Sea Ice Lime - Aftershave
Good shave. Spearhead is excellent.
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Mar. 8, 2024
Good shave. Spearhead is excellent.
Friday, March 8, 2024
The Stirling ring of death on continues. Once it starts it always seems to last much longer than I expect it to.
it always seems to last much longer than I expect it to.
Can confirm 😅
Nice shave this morning, as usual with Varen and it's sheep tallow base. I think I've reached the point where the widening ring of death significantly hinders brush loading. I'll have to smush that down before my next Varening.
Hey, I also used shaved with a Stirling ring of death today!
March 8, 2024 -- Fabulous Friday
Brush: Wald Nimbus Bloodline 27mm J3
Lather: Gentleman's Nod - Zaharoff Signature Rosé - Soap
Toner: Thayers - Rose - Toner
Aftershave: Gentleman's Nod - Zaharoff Signature Rosé - Aftershave
Fragrance: Zaharoff - Signature Rosé - Eau de Parfum
Talc: Yardley Gold
2 passes. Face lather. Excellent shave.
Now that was a luxury shave! Wow!
Have a great weekend!
🌿 Fougère Friday: L'Avventura🪻
The bright fougère of L'Avventura was very nice this morning, especially in combination with Heather.
The blade in the MM24 is finally getting to that point where it's just a smooth shave with no aggression whatsoever. Love it!
Rating: 4/5
March 8, 2024
This aftershave was inexpensive on Amazon in the US and smells great!