If I saw this, I'd immediately assume it's a variation on the bi pride flag.
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"Nice flag. So you fellas go both ways?"
Missing the purple, though.
Having only two colors, clearly delineated, makes the flag worthless as a means of conveying anything, so they had to broadcast what it means with big, braindead-obvious symbols.
Frankly, that definitely looks like a straight pride flag, in that it's boring, binary, with absolutely zero sense of style, subtlety, or iconography.
Cute couple.
"So which one of you is the 'girl'?"
The one on the right, don't you see the flag?
The two guys holding up the straight pride flag look like they unhappily fuck their wives at home once every quarter to prove that they don't love the cocks that they shamefully suck every weekend.
They don't look very proud.
Isn't being proud of your sexuality mostly a response to being shamed by bigots for your sexuality? Like: parts of society look down on my sexuality? Well fuck you, I'm proud of it! If you're not being shamed at all, isn't a bit weird to be proud of such things? As if you did anything to become a heterosexual. No one cares, nor should they.
Yeah, that is the whole point. The whole point is not "I am proud of who I am attracted to", the point is "I am proud of being open about who I am attracted to despite the bigots and social challenges".
Which is why there is no "straight pride", "blond pride", or "high school student pride". There is no glory in doing something that is statistically speaking, completely devoid of interest...
Yup. This is essentially the same as people suddenly screaming about "WHITE PRIDE!!!!" in response to things like Black Live Matter.
The entire point is a minority not letting the majority shame or otherize them. The the majority freaks out and responses with "ME TO BUT BETTER THAN YOU DID IT!".
It's pathetic.
You're not wrong but all the gays I know have way better taste than that abomination.
They look like two Russian brothers who have bought a third tier football club purely as some sort of elaborate tax evasion ruse.
I always thought it would be funny if “s” was added to “lgbtq” for straight.
Then when someone has a problem with “lgbtqs”, you can be like “you’re not straight?”
So, I have a few issues with the design.
Setting aside for a second how dumb this shit is, the design has some very questionable decisions.
First I couldn't care less about the "man" and "woman" signs, they're linked, and gold, which I assume is some reference to marriage? I've never understood the symbology of those symbols. I think they're tacky and archaic. I don't inherently have an issue with their use in the design. My main issues with the design are with the colors. That's not a super great shade of blue or pink. On top of that, the "man" symbol is almost entirely on the pink side, and the woman symbol is almost entirely on the blue side. Additionally, representing a boy as blue and girl as pink is pretty questionable as well. I would have expected something like this in the 80's or 90's, but today? What? It's just strange.
Why a slash? Why is it going from top left to bottom right? I have to many questions. It's like there was no thought in the brain of whomever put this together, and they didn't ask anyone to review it before having it made.
Now, flipping the coin here, what exactly do straight people have to be proud of? I'm straight, and I don't know. Is it pride in the decisions that we've made which facilitate the perpetration of humanity? Is humanity really something we should be proud of and continue to perpetuate? We've committed an untold number of unspeakable horrors to eachother, animals, and nature. Are we perpetuating the species so we can continue to rape and kill the planet and eachother? Either figuratively or literally? Don't get me wrong, humans have achieved some remarkable things despite our obvious issues; but still, does any of that outweigh the horrors we've inflicted? I'm not so sure that perpetuating humanity is anything to be proud of.
Are we proud of our heritage? Our lineage? The long genetic lines of aforementioned horrible people? Who enslaved others and called it progress? Who committed all those previously mentioned terrible things?
So historical pride is questionable, and pride of purpose is questionable.... What's left? Just being proud of who you are? Pride in being a human who is straight? What for?
I don't understand. I have no pride for who I am naturally, and who I am attracted to. I have no pride in the things my race, gender, or sexual orientation has done. The straights have been responsible for pretty much all the pain and suffering of everyone who is "deviant".
I don't know why anyone would be proud of that.
I think people like this believe that non-straight folks have an agenda to make straight folks* feel ashamed of being straight. As in - if you're proud of being gay, that means you must think being not-gay is a bad thing. And so they feel attacked. It's so brainless and reactionary.
* Or white, or Christian, or insert whatever not-really-persecuted-but-thinks-they-are group here
They totally finger blasted each other after this
That's not the straight flag. The straight flag is horizontal black and white stripes and has been around for about 20 years.
The ally flag is the straight flag with a rainbow "A" on it. If you've been to Pride, you have probably seen flags or pins with that design.
Alex Jones and Andrew Tate have seen much better days...
NEWSFLASH!!! People scared of homosexuality are actually scared that they'll become homosexuals. That's right, they're so insecure with their own sexuality, they're concerned that by allowing homosexuality, they'll be the first to succumb to gayness.
Ew! Get the gay away! I don't want to catch it from this cute boi.
That's not a "straight pride" flag, that's a "doubling down on our anti-LGBTQ+ agenda because they dare to defy us with their own flag" flag. I'm straight, that flag does not represent me, it represents bigoted fucks. There are already several flags for that.
You idiots! There's nothing gayer than gold!
I though the official Straight Pride flag was in black and white (no grey areas or ambiguity), with a male symbol on top of a female symbol (depicting the hierarchy of dominance the sorts of people who would have such a flag consider the only acceptable order)