A year since moving house and we're still unpacking things from the non-essentials. I just found a 'cat self-groomer', brand new still in its box...must have been a gift from someone. It has a compartment to put catnip in! Waiting for lazy cat to wake up and give it a try :)
This community is a place created for the people of Melbourne and Victoria. We are a positive, welcoming and inclusive community. We might not agree about everything, but we always strive to stay civil and respectful.
The focus of our discussions is based around things that affect Victoria, but we are also free to discuss our local perspective on wider issues. Or head to the regular Daily Random Discussion thread to talk about anything.
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Adoption Certificate for Nellie, the Daily Thread numbat (with thanks to @Catfish)
I've never used recreational drugs I've never had a tattoo I've never voted Liberal I've never been to Africa, South America or done more than a stop over in Asia.
Winter has really hit, hasn't it? It's like Autumn slept through March and has stuffed all its weather into April to make up for it
Couldn't sleep last night. I have insomnia but take a sleeping pill, yet that wasn't enough. Urghhh.
I feel better after the walk and having a late lunch of pasta with zucchini, basil pesto and tinned salmon, but I still feel a bit like a ton of bricks has landed on me...
I need to start looking at cars this weekend and have nothing lined up yet. Ugh I better wake up feeling better tomorrow. Going to force myself out of bed before 9
There's some rumours going around that a Brewery might buy the Bendigo Hotel.
But which one, given that quite a few are going broke. Where are the tanks gonna go as well? Sacrifice the merch desk area, or beer garden.
That would be interesting. As long as it stays a metal venue I won't mind