Was it Pyrzqxgl, by chance? Even if not, it's probably on the list I got it from.
Discussions on vintage and retrocomputing
Yep! Thanks! You get the prize for the quickest answer and Steven gets the prize for Most complete. No, there are no actual prizes except getting to claim the title "Sleuth Extraordinaire"
By the way, does anyone remember "Abort Retry Ignore BBS" a Fidonet node in the 408 area code? That was me!
Is it PernMUSH?
That was not it, but I think I was there too.
Oh god, I remember running my BBS. Thousands of lines of batch code I wrote, several doors I wrote in Turbo Pascal, just spent so much damned time on that crap. Ended up running four lines, connected to FIDONet and then UseNet before I finally got too busy with my IT outsourcing business to spend any more time on it and retired it.
Plover-net perhaps?
Do you remember the area code?
408 or 415 I think (Being San Jose / Sunnyvale / Santa Clara and San Francisco and Peninsula) it was not a toll call from my home in the 408 area code.
Got it. From this list: http://bbslist.textfiles.com/408/oldschool.html
408-336-3134 Ben Lomond, CA Pyrzqxgl (1986-1987) Tané Tachyon Pyrzqxgl tree-structured discussion BBS software
I can see why you called it pretzel
WOW Thank You sooo much!! I tried all kinds of searches and even tried to employ chatgpt to try to guess the word.