Somehow I never heard of this game or the original. Holy fucking shit I need this in my life. this looks amazing.
omg they made lemmy political
- Gamers will be oppressed
- Don't be a dick
- No Personal Information
- No Self-Promotion
- Mark Spoilers
The artistry and ambiance are the excellent, and I'm enjoying watching the story unfold. Unfortunately, it's less a "game" than a walking simulator. Combat isn't difficult (and has zero stakes). Puzzles are visually dazzling, but braindead easy to solve. I don't even really feel like I'm exploring, because you're basically on rails.
Excellent experience, interesting view into schizophrenia, absolutely beautiful... just not much in the way of interaction. Honestly, I'd enjoy it more as a movie (or mini-series, since it's longer than a few hours if you let it breathe).
First one was amazing, can't wait for part 2. Wear headphones, the voices in her(your) head really require headphones for the full effect.
Thats what I have been reading. It's installing now actually haha.
Having played Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice, in the beginning I admit I looked at her and didn't see "modern day beauty standard" but then one has to consider that it is a game set during a viking era. Then I realised I need to then consider that I cannot apply "modern standards".
I mean she wasn't ugly in my eyes, just I guess appeared somewhat plain which is not a slight against the actress but more as an aquired appreciation to how they designed her but when you really look at the details it is perfectly acceptable to see what they did get right. It is a person that has gone through a lot and of course she is going to look not "clean" considering what baggage she is carrying and where she is coming from.
It is not some future world were mud and dirt don't magically stick to your skin, it is a realistic portrayal of a person going through a lot of dirty places, being a bad ass and losing her collective mind with a story that explores someone with mental illness in a time when it was considered a "gift" from the gods if you were lucky.
Not sure of the game in question, but this completely changes the vibe...
The one on the left is clearly meant to be some kind of angry vicious killer, the one on the right looks like some random goth girl
Wokeness is when I can't beat off to every frame of the media I watch.