Would it be possible to have something like a card 3 option where the title is above the image, but everything else is under it?
I also found a bug. If you use card 2 any of the image settings crash the app when toggled on or off.
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Would it be possible to have something like a card 3 option where the title is above the image, but everything else is under it?
I also found a bug. If you use card 2 any of the image settings crash the app when toggled on or off.
Thank you for reporting the bug. I'll make sure to fix it before the final release.
As for card 3, this is easy to do but I'm have a hard time picturing it without it looking really weird. Do you know of any apps that offer such a layout or have any examples?
Here's an example from the thunder Lemmy app.
That looks kind of weird to me but I can implement it for the next update.
It might look better with square cards? Idk if that's something you're thinking about implementing at some point as an option.
Android Themed icon doesn't work.
I attempted a fix for this in the latest update. Can you please confirm if the issue is fixed now?
Yes it's fixed.
Awesome. Thanks for confirming!
Could you either provide a screenshot or give more details?
in the notes of an update said that support for Themed icons were added but it never changed.
That is really weird. It works on my test device:
Maybe you need to reinstall it?
Ohhhh I think I figured it out. Apparently there are two places I need to set it. I only set the icon for round icons. If you change the icons to round do you see it then?
In any case I'll fix this for the next update. Thanks for letting me know!
I can't change the shape