its not slow just uses alot of data, in my opinion there should be a data saving mode in he settings
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That might be true. And I completely agree with the "data saving mode" suggestion.
I am browsing through my browser right now. Uninstalled the app.
What do you mean by huge amount? I checked mine and I only have like 60MB since the first of October for example
120 MB in 15 minutes or so. without anything loaded.
Wow indeed that's a problem!
I also uninstalled the app after realizing how much slower it is on iOS compared to Remmel. Can't attest to data usage between the two though.
We have not changed anything bandwidth related in 0.7.0, did you experience the same problem with 0.6.0?
As to it being slow, could you give some concrete examples? It would help us in fixing them.
Open the app, main UI appears but posts do not load, just get the blue "loading" circle. Seems to get stuck here
If possible open an issue on GitHub with details. If not, could you send me the details in a message/here? Version/instance/logs would be very helpful. (You can find logs in settings > about lemmur > logs)
I have used the app after a long time. I don't know about the 0.6.0. But today I installed it and it consumed 120 MB of my data and literally noting loaded.
I generally surf lemmy on my browser without logging into my account. I tried to post this post in the app and tried to search "lemmy" but search results did not appear and it just kept on loading ( my internet speed was around 400kbps) . So, back to the browser.