No matter how often people lie and lie and lie again to tell funny tales about Olaf Scholz blocking Taurus, it will not become true.
Olaf Scholz is an idiot but that doesn't mean that your fairy tales will become reality.
What he actually has said time and time again is that Germany can't send Taurus to Ukraine without direct involvement of the Bundeswehr.
The same was said by the Ministry of Defense, the Bundeswehr, the producers. That statement was also supported by the leaked discussion of Bunderwehr leaders (you all commented and discussed this, so I assume at least someone actually listened to the recording), and then again in even more detail by a press leak from a government commitee (that even resulted in an investigation for betrayal of state secrets...).
Germany just cannot send Taurus to Ukraine because the systems to programm those missiles are rare and very centralized, so it's impossible to just give them away like some laptop... And direct involvement of German military would violate the constitution.
So people can either continue fighting their own made-up straw-man for another year and argue how this time scared Olaf will surely, finally get to his senses... or they can accept reality and stop arguing against their own pretend-argument when the actual real reason is all technical, explained multiple times and will not change.