Such alliteration. I'm in awe. Like 6 B words in a row and not one of them is bitch.
Responses that completely destroy the original argument in a way that leaves little to no room for reply - a targeted, well-placed response to another person, organization, or group of people.
The following things are not grounds for murder:
Such alliteration. I'm in awe. Like 6 B words in a row and not one of them is bitch.
and yet it's there, I can hear it when I read the words. poetry. <chef's kiss> so good
I heard someone refer to her as Barney Rubble and I just can't get that image out of my head.
Reminds of the SNL joke about Kyrsten Sinema looks like all of the members of the Scooby Doo gang simultaneously.
It doesn't seem possible but when you look at her it's somehow true.
I didn't catch that on SNL. That's pretty funny.
I thought it was from Stephen Colbert, but I could be misremembering.
That’s insulting to Barney
Please don't be mean to Mickey Rourke
Almost guarantee she's taken more shots to the face
And Rourke plays the good guy sometimes.
This is entirely what I've come to expect from American politics.
Fall of rome stage.
Don't go giving us butches a bad name like that.
Being bad built is a prerequisite for it being a problem.
How much is caveman genetics and how much is crossfit, though? Seeing her flop like a fish hanging on a hook and calling it exercise... uh... yea that could go either way.
This country is run by toddlers...
No, by scheming cowards appealing to toddlers-minded adults, like all countries more or less.
and it's crockett with the a steel chair of alliteration to the back of greenes head
Fr she must've had that loaded
I never condone attacks on one's appearance but that thing is asking for it.
i always condone it against fascists.
It's why they used to put so much work into fashion! Only Hugo Boss can make those assholes look ok
You really don't have to body shame MTG for her butch build. That's what her spork toes are for.
C'mon man. Don't add insult to ugly.
Oh she's a politician? Then by all means, fire away!
Not just any politician. She's trying to enact a theological fascist regime. All is fair in love and war.
Whoever told Marge that she should punch above her weight class needs to be fired.
Marjorie's face looks like a brick tried to pass itself off as a pod-person.
Every time I see her I'm reminded of the scene in The Office where Dwight is wearing the face of the CPR dummy.
This is unreasonably accurate
No way she doesn’t have way more Neanderthal DNA than the general population.
fucking margarine titan greene anime villain monster creature looking ass. may she rot for a thousand eternities and be estranged by every family member
Why are our tax dollars paying any of these people? I’d rather take their salaries and divide it amongst people who donate blood, platelets, plasma, and bone marrow for free. Tell these political figures that if they truly cared about Americans they’d do their job for the same pay as some first year, public school teacher who only has a bachelor’s degree, while teaching in one of the toughest areas of a big city. I’m so sick of all these spoiled, dolled up, high class [public figures] being paid to run their mouths. Sorry, I had to replace a word in that comment to stifle how I truly feel.
Swear away friend. As long as you’re not inciting violence or using slurs/language to intimidate, have at it.
Malcom Tucker will always be my favourite go to when insulting politicians (or anyone actually) “You’re a fucking omnishambles, that’s what you are. You’re like that coffee machine, you know: from bean to cup, you just fuck up.”
I cant eat mashed potatoes at KFC without thinking of her and her sporkfeet
On god the way she said it then went off on every even AOC was just splendid. Its a shame shes wasted in texas and will probably get voted out after her first term in congress.
She is the chosen successor to the late Eddie Bernice Johnson, who held the 30th district for 30 years, and won almost 80% of the vote, so we'll probably be seeing her for a long while.